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New Mutleys Hangar Adventure!

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To keep everyone busy whilst we await the next big challenge here at Mutleys we are going to start holding mini-adventures here in the Mutley Field forum. Each leg is kept deliberately short so that the adventure won't drag on too long. Reporting format will be similar to the ATWC, but it is up to you how in depth you make it. There will be a couple of stiupulations for each adventure, but other than that you can fly them however you want.

To bid for a flight please leave a post below with which flight leg you would like to fly. You can request more than 1 but I will look to assign 1 flight per pilot to begin with, so please request you flights in order of perference. You will then be listed as a reserve choice for your other flights.

The first mini-adventure will take us are wee bonny Scotland. Departing from Edinburgh we will hop around the Scottish Highlands over 8 short legs. The only stipulation for this flight is that the aircraft must be a single engined propeller GA aircraft, or a helicopter. You can get to the destination however you like i.e direct, multiple stops etc.. (just no walking!)

Once your flight is complete, announce it in this forum ala an ATWC post.

So here is the route of the first mini-adventure

Leg 1: EGPH-EGPE, Inverness (Kieran)

Leg 2: EGPE-EGPU, Tiree (Phil)

Leg 3: EGPU-EGPL, Benbecula (TRB)

Leg 4: EGPL-EGPC, Wick (Joe) <<-- click to view!

Leg 5: EGPC-EGPW, Unst (Simi)

Leg 6: EGPW-EGPB, Sumburgh (Dai)<<-- click to view!

Leg 7: EGPB-EGPA, Kirkwall (Rob)

Leg 8: EGPA-EGPH, Edingburgh (CaptHill)

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