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Wow, thanks all!!! :rofl: :dance:

Such a nice surprise to brighten my work day when I popped along here earlier, during my lunch break! I think it's the first thing I've won since I was 6 years old :biggrin: Also, my wife finally passed her driving test today, after so much bad luck (not bad driving), so it's turned into a very happy day all around!

Thanks again for the kind words & the welcomes! Also a huge thanks to Mutley for running the competitions - I think the idea of the themes is excellent. :thumbup: And thanks to Just Flight for the prize (am still to decide!).

Since I 'came out of nowhere', here's my FS life-story in a nutshell! :blahblah: I flew in Il-2:FB for many years, with FS more of a background thing over the years (since FS2000). Before that I made do with sims on an Amiga. Either way, I've always loved making screenshots of my sims and have many gigs of .bmp files that I really should convert to .jpg!!! Only with the advent of JF's AirHauler did my focus on FSX really grow (I see some familiar names from the Just Flight forums here too). AirHauler, and the Boeing Stratocruiser (plus 'Accu-Sim') from A2A, are really some of the highest quality add-ons out there. Highly recommend both! And not to forget Orbx's FTX 'AU Blue' scenery which also featured in the winning screenshot.

Good effort by all the others during the month. I thought the entries by marimbaman, Edward L and Soya were really excellent, in particular! :smile:

I wish everyone the best of luck for October's competition! :salute:


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Hi Martyn,

Thanks for the mini bio, it's great to know a little bit about our members, another FS fan whose interest has been re-vitalised by Air Hauler! One of many, keep an eye out for future developments from Duncan Murray :rofl:

It's interesting that your flight sim experience goes back pre-PC to the Sublogic days, you are not alone there.

Give me a shout when you have chosen your prize.


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The standerd gets higher and higher each month and this month there some deserveing shots which failed to make the grade.

Hi Ed, you are so right. There are so many potential winners, it makes judging very difficult, if I could I would do top 3 prizes.


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Just to say thanks for the other comments and welcomes - you are a nice bunch! :stars:

I'm wondering what I can conjure up for the coming month's competition! I think it's going to take some imagination this time, which puts me at a distinct disadvantage :whis:

I picked Traffic X as my prize, so that should brighten up the airports the world over! I have the freeware OZx AI traffic to go with the ORBx scenery, but Traffic X ought to spice up the types and airlines, and cover the rest of the globe. Looking forward to it! :winka:

And Joe will be pleased to hear (following our couple of PMs) that I've given in already - I ordered the RealAir Duke (well, it's been six months since I last bought anything!) and now await the postman. Looking forward to your upcoming review! I already spotted its presence in the sample screenshot for the October competition! :winka:


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