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Son of caption competition

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  • 3 weeks later...

John has been away for a week and unfortunately had a major PC failure from which he is only now restoring.

So I will decide this time and the winner is Rob with

Now thats how a german would do it. We will continue with your training tomorrow.

No offence intended to anyone


Over to you!

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Sorry folks. I was attacked by the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The good was a week of vacation at the ocean. The bad and ugly soon followed with the sudden death of my C: drive, from which I am still recovering. My apologies to all of you and my sincere thanks to Mutley for picking up the ball for me.


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Thanks - it's coming together. Finding and re-installing everything is a huge job. I had backups of most everything - so far nothing critical has gone permanently missing but I have several more days of adding, tweaking, etc.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you see giraffes outside do not be alarmed - our View Screens are not fuctioning properly

Now let's get that perfect picture of a goverment minister taking an expensive holiday - damn! Left the camera at 10000ft!

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Here's the winner! :clapping:

Now let's get that perfect picture of a goverment minister taking an expensive holiday - damn! Left the camera at 10000ft!

I'm assuming those were two separate entries. Congrats to all the participants, although, it seems I chose a tough picture.

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