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Hello from a New Guy

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Hello everyone!

My name is E.J. and I'm a flightsim-o-holic.

I've been recruited somewhat by Mr. John Allard, an individual known to land here every so often. I've been in correspondence with him for the past few weeks now, mostly discussing Cargo Pilot and FSPassengers 2004. I've also read his installments in his series "Hello, Columbus" and I am eagerly awaiting the story's conclusion.

John suggested I come this way, so here I am.

A little bit about me: one of my first words was "airplane." It was in Hungarian, and it came soon after "mama" and "papa," but my parents thought it was funny that the word for airplane was already such an important word for me.

I started flying flight sims in 1982 on the TI-99/4A computer using a flight simulator called the Dow-4 Gazelle. I then graduated to the SubLogic flight sims on my IBM PCjr and went through every version of FlightSim since then. I still have my FS95, FS98, FS2000, FS2002, and FS2004 CD's as well as the FSX DVD. I have over 2300 hours logged on the flight sim logs I have been able to keep and recover from crashed computers. I enjoy turbo props and the medium sized jets (from ERJ-145 to 737's).

Currently, I am using the PMDG B1900C along with FSPassengers 2004 to simulate a regional carrier airline operation. It's been a lot of fun, and FSP does a good job of tying my performance with that of the airline's. I highly recommend this addon to any sim pilot looking for "purpose" in their flying.

I'm also a fan of Cargo Pilot, although FSP has stolen a bit of the thunder from it for me. There are benefits to both packages; to use them together is pretty much the best solution, IMHO. But, I digress...

I am a perpetual student pilot with over 72 hours in Cessna 150/152. Why didn't I take the check flight/written? Because I would rather spend the money on simulation software and gear than fly for real anymore. I've done my solos and it was fun, but the flying I love to do most is MET, which would be very expensive to attain IRL. Therefore, I've settled for flight sim, and to be honest, I don't think I'm missing anything. I also fly RC aircraft with my kids, and we enjoy it immensely.

I still crane my neck when I'm near any airport, much to the chagrin of my wife. Since I'm typically the driver, it scares her when I'm looking far left or right paying attention to the planes and not to the road. Oh well.

I live in Houston, Texas with my wife and two children, and I am a technical writer and a voice actor.

I hope to contribute here in a positive manner, and I look forward to hearing from you other MH regulars.


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Welcome EJ, I've heard a lot about you :mrhappy:

I'm very pleased to see you are a FS-o-holic you will fit in well here.

Thanks for the mini bio, your experiences with flight sim appear to go back further than mine. My first taste was on the Atari and then on Amstrads first PC the 1512! (Amstrad was a trade name started by Alan Martin Sugar "AMS trad" an English business man you may of heard of? and really kicked off the PC revolution over here).

I hope you really enjoy your visits here and will join in the fun, sometimes it goes a bit quiet but it's always sure to liven up especially at the weekends for some reason! (Duh!)

Our ATWC will be passing overhead TX pretty soon so we will be sure to give you a wave!

No doubt we will speak more, I have got to get to work now :sad:


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Hi EJ (is it O.K. to call you that?) - welcome aboard the most anarchic FSim forum on the web. We're friendly, but quite different to other forums, as you'll see!!

Look forward to your contributions.....

Cheers - Egészségedre - Iechyd da - Dai

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Thanks everyone! It's okay to call me "E.J." as that's what most everyone calls me.

David, I see "Egészségedre" in your sig. Do you speak Hungarian? I am Hungarian, and speak it about as fluently as a third grader. lol! I was born in the US, but my parents (both Hungarian) didn't speak anything but Hungarian at home until I went to elementary school. This is a good thing, as now I'm fluent in Hungarian and English.

Anyway... more from me later. I'm in Florida right now visiting my ailing grandmother (she just turned 86) and helping to take care of my grandfather (he's 92).

I miss my flight sims!!!

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Welcome! Glad you decided to come aboard. I don't think you'll regret it. This is a great community, always friendly and helpful when you need it. I hope we see and hear from you frequently here. There are quite a number of screenshot wizards here, so don't miss following that section closely.

:mrhappy: :thumbup: :sad:

(I don't get to use that "Welcome" icon often enough and didn't want to miss the chance.)


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(I don't get to use that "Welcome" icon often enough and didn't want to miss the chance.

Im with you on that so here it is!


Sorry im a bit late with my hello, but hey ho. Its a big even for us to get a new member so welcome along.

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