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Leg 4 : Samedan (LSZS) - Athens (LGAV)

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Brian, that was pure excellence, a great flight with equally great story and screenies!!

Now it's my turn, well, i can tell you now that Samedan flight ops have cancelled today's flight due to poor weather moving in swiftly, so I'm off out on the piste for a bit of snow boarding fun! The authorities advise that it should have cleared up by early morning tomorrow and have, provisionally, given this extra special flight the go-ahead....

So, what's the route, and how are we getting there....read on fellow Mutleys Hangar-on.

The route:

Samedan -> Venice -> Pula (Croatia) -> Athens


So, not a bad route.....but i'm sure we'll find a way to keep it entertaining!....Oh, yes...the aircraft..


Can you guess what it is yet....no? Well you'll have to tune in next time to find out viewers!

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I think Simon has a soft spot for the Bleached Pachyderm - I'll guess it's the A400M. It's rated for full load takeoffs from a little over 3,000 ft. runways, so with only Simon, the baton and fuel, it ought to be able to manage nicely.


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how wrong you all are......

Well, i'm pleased to announce that, for once, the weather people were correct, and we had blue skies on our departure this morning...yes folks, Leg 1 is currently under way. I'll look to have it completed and posted with a full complement of pics (and a story line!) by Monday approx. 1800 hrs.

Simi_Av8r, out.

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Hi Simi,

Unfortunately the 4 days have now well passed since Brian's PIREP on the 16th and we have to enforce the rules to keep things moving.

Please can you post before the end of Wednesday otherwise this flight will be up for new bids!


ATWC Admin

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My apologies Mut, unfortunately my work got in the way this weekend and forced me away from the PC in order to post the leg, i have it completed now, and apologise for keeping things held up!

The final section(s) of Leg 4 are to be posted tomorrow night, i hope this isn't an issue.

anyway, what am i waiting for, here we go gents, Leg 4 of ATWC3!

Well, like i said guys, you guessed wrong.... the first section of this wonderful Leg 4 from Samedan to Athens will be via......


The lovely SibWings Saab 91D Safir.


Gents, welcome to the Alps, take in a deep breath and smell that clean air!


Looks like dawn is breaking, and after last nights excursions on the piste, the view from up here is twice as nice!


A quick look into the office, as you can see, its quite tidy and very nicely laid out. Well soon be turning towards Venice, and down into the lowlands.


Getting much less bumpy now, and within the controlled airspace of Vicenza Military airfield, keep a look out for any stray M-346's, these Italians are crazy drivers, who knows what they're like flying!!


Speaking of which, there's Vicenza out off the port wing. Now it's pretty much a straight run into Teressa for our first stop, better call in now.


Gear just extended, and we're being expected on a 4R approach. Apparently I've been tracked the whole flight by Italian military radar, and have a special guest awaiting my arrival at the control tower....what have I done?!


Three whites...a tad high, but in this tiny thing I think we'll manage, especially with its very low speed handling.


...and we're down! Slow enough to taxi to the gate and meet the mystery person awaiting my arrival, i can feel his eyes follwing me already!


Cold and dark, letting the engine rest after the short run, Marco the mechanic say's for

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Great stuff Simi :whis:

As ever, you always manage to come up with a first class post, I love the Safir, the cockpit is so realistic. It's a shame we can't hear her as the engine sound is fantastic.

These shots are some of your best, that scenery is amazing for FS9.

Looking forward to the special guest, expenses are in the post, I hope the baton is safe! :nea:



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Great shots Simi...

I just wish I was in Italy, or anywhere warmer right now... The snow has been coming down hard here in Stockholm the last few days... about 10 cm on sunday, and more of it today :whis:

Good thing I have to get down to south africa for a leg soon :nea:

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Welcome once again to Venice guys and girls....so, I guess you're waiting to find out who the mystery person was...

Well, he's the pilot of our next ride. That's right, i'm in the right seat this time, no stick time for me... our pilot, well, he is Sqn Ldr Alec James, of 101 Sqn. On his way down to Crete for spring testing with the Red Arrows.

...and his trusty steed, the Vickers VC10! So, without further ado here she is!


Alec's got all the work done for us here, i'm getting ready to relax and take a few snaps..


Holding short now, Rwy 4L.


and we're off, steep climb at first....


over the famous Venetian lagoon, and not a gondola in sight!


beginning to flatten out out of the climb now, with a cruise altitude of, so i'm told, FL110....


Settling down now at 11000ft, closing fast on Croatia.


...speaking of which, here's the Istrian peninsula ofCroatia


That's Pula International Airport...and if my good friend Alec hadn't picked me up at Venice, this guys would have been our 2nd stop for Fuel and a quick bite to eat.


Have you ever been to Albania? No, nor have I, but Alec tells me that's it out to our port, the vast Aegean Sea below


Over the mainland now, and the Pulis Mountains pay us greetings as we enter Greek airspace.


Ellinikon International Airport (LGAT) below, we're getting close. Better start descending Alec!


Completing the crosswind leg for approach into LGAV...



..and into the finals, Dunlops dangling and flaps down to 45deg, full slat extended


Alec doesn't waste any time, and we're soon down with full brake set and spoilers extended....


Taxiing to parking, not much traffic here today, but apparently its the low-season.


Parked up and awaiting the arrival of the Reds, then its off to Crete for Alec and XV101!


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It just had to be an RAF aircraft :clapping:

I love the way you know exactly where you are and include it in the post.

Another great leg Simi and thanks for getting the baton safely to LGAV :biggrin:


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Both the route and aircraft were meticulously planned and selected, and my geography is quite sharp too, so that goes some to help...no need for Sat Nav in my car!

Pleasure to be a part of ATWC3 Joe, and my apologies for the delay in getting this leg finished.


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Nice piece of work, Simi. It's nice to see some types I'm not familiar with and military AC are always a treat. Interesting to weave in the RW trip to Crete by the Red Arrows.


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Well done Simi. As you may be aware I do love the VC-10, very much. I would have loved to have been in a Venetian water taxi that runs from the airport to the main city with that departing above me!

Sharp geography is always good - in my opinion people should be able to navigate with a map and their eyes before being allowed a GPS!

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Nice one, mate! Look forward to the continuation.... :thum:

BTW, get back to the AC before high tide!! :stars:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

Continuation...what continuation?? We're in Athens...next up is Leg 5...??

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