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Hi all.

I'm going to do some work on my computer to try and solve some instability issues I've been having for some time.

The first step is replacing my harddrive with a new one, and with that comes a reinstallation of windows.

Due to the fact that it's been a while since I last did a reinstall of my computer I've got some questions regarding the FSX installation process that I'm fairly confident someone in this forum can help me with.

1. Is there an easy way to save my current FSX logbook and info on completed missions and transfer those to the new installation?

2. Do I need to install FSX SP1 and SP2 before installing Acceleration, or are both Service Packs included in the Acceleration installation?

3. Is there a recommended order for installing scenery and other add-ons (Apart from planes and airhauler that will come in last). I've got FS Global 2010, FScene X, REX,

Mega Airport Stockholm, Aerosofts Luxemburg Airports and TrafficX with Plus-Paks. Is that a good order to install them in, or should I toss them around in any way, or does it matter at all?

Greatful for any input.


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As for installaing the add-ons I don't think it matters which way you do it. I reinstalled last year and just installed which ever add-on I picked up first and things seem to be fine. Although you will need to make sure that there aren't any traces of the orginial installation still lurking there, as I believe it can cause problems. But with it being a new HD I suspect you won't have that problem

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Thanks for your input guys..

I got the new drive last week and installed it over the weekend. Tried it out with GTA IV and my problems were still there unfortunatly, so I reverted back to my old HD without getting to FSX..

Next step will be to swap out the GFX-card, and if that won't do the trick I'm aiming for a now computer.... Could always try to swap the RAM too, but that's a 120� investment. And if it doesn't work those memories won't be compatible with a motherboard that supports a I5 or I7 CPU...

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New GFX board installed (XFX ATI RADEON HD 5770 with 1GB memory). Looked promising at first, could run GTA IV for about an hour without problems. But after turning up the settings for the board things went bad again... And to make things even stranger my FSX preformance went down the drain.. got about 7-10 FPS with serious stuttering at a default airport in the Flight 1 Mustang :thanks:

I'm going to try a complete reinstall of the darn thing before giving up on it.

BTW, does anyone know of a good way to get a temperature reading from the Northbridge on the MB, just to rule out overheating... CPU and GFX heat is no problem as far as I can tell (GFX around 42 degrees celcius, and CPU around 60), but a friend mentioned having similar problems due to the Northbridge overheating. I'm running on a ABIT IP-35 motherboard.

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Never mind my question on Northbridge temp.. found out that my MB doesn't report that anywhere... The suggested way to find out if it's to hot is to put your finger on the heatsink.. and if you can't keep it there for more then 15 seconds it's "probably" overheating.... :thanks:

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Yes.. that's the first thing I did when the problems started... also gave it a lookover yesterday, and no visable dust in any fans or inlets...

Did play around a bit with the BIOS-settings last night and found some settings that felt wrong... the big issue most likely beeing to low voltage to the RAM... cranked it up to 2.2V in accordance with the memory spec and things felt much more stable... havn't tried FSX yet though...

Also played with SpeedFan and logged what temps were available to me in the program, and nothing that felt out of the ordinary.. highest temp was AUX (not sure were that sensor is located) that topped out at 50C when GTAIV crashed.. this was before i found the memory voltage problem.. forgot to log after i changed the settings..

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Yes.. that's the first thing I did when the problems started... also gave it a lookover yesterday, and no visable dust in any fans or inlets...

Did play around a bit with the BIOS-settings last night and found some settings that felt wrong... the big issue most likely beeing to low voltage to the RAM... cranked it up to 2.2V in accordance with the memory spec and things felt much more stable... havn't tried FSX yet though...

Also played with SpeedFan and logged what temps were available to me in the program, and nothing that felt out of the ordinary.. highest temp was AUX (not sure were that sensor is located) that topped out at 50C when GTAIV crashed.. this was before i found the memory voltage problem.. forgot to log after i changed the settings..

When I built my box I put this fan controller it, the display shows the fan speeds and has 4 temp monitors that can go where you want them. It also shows how much power the psu is demanding from to ring-main.


I have seen a 10c increase in the temp on the video card temps recently, so got the hover out and went dust hunting. I also took the opportunity to get the camera out, and have put pics in the show us your rig thread.

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Hi Sputnik...

Judging by your shots my case is as close to dust free one can get it :biggrin:

I do think it's my Motherboard or the RAM that is the problem in this case.. When the computer was new everything worked fine with all memory related BIOS-settings on AUTO, but along the way it most have stopped reading the info on the RAM in a correct way because all of a sudden it dropped the voltage to 1.8, and set the memory timings all wrong.

The settings the MoBo sets when i AUTO-settings are the once to be used if it's a single RAM installed but what's really there is a pair, so I'm guessing it's not using the dual channel function correctly.

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I'm having to re-wire the flat at the moment, so I am making loads of dust. I only stuck the nosle in to hover the worst of the crud out, as it will soon fill up again. Once the re-wire is done it will get a full pull apart clean.

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Well, I went ahead and ordered a new computer, the old one will live on as a pure office computer, and my wife should be able to run her old favorite Age of Empires 2 on it :biggrin:

Got a spare HD (500 GB samsung Spinpoint F3 550 GB SATA/300) and my new Graphics Card (XFX ATI RADEON HD 5770 with 1GB memory) to use in it, and with a i7-860 (2,8 Ghz socket 1156) as base for it I should get a pretty good bump up in preformance from the Core2Duo I have today. I havn't got the complete spec for it but if I remember correctly we choose a Gigabyte motherboard (GA-P55A-UD3 i think) and 4Gb of low latencey DDR3 Ram, I think it was from Patriot... Should be delivered by the end of the month..

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Promise I'll get some shots up as soon as I have the new rig up and running...

Have been thinking about getting Ultimate Terrain X Europe to further enhance my FSX experience, but I have a question. Does anyone know if it works well together with FS Global, or will the FS Global terrain mesh mess up the landclass-files in UTX?

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I have the UTX but not FS Global.

I can see why you ask that question but I don't think you will have any problems. UTX will generate autogen and textures based on the landclass and wrap it around the mesh. It is not 100% accurate like photoscenery so where it matters you should not have any issues.

Hopefully someone here already has this combination and cold confirm this?


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The main reason I ask is because I once had some issuses when I installed a Terrain Mesh and a Land Class for the Azores that didn't work to well together..

Ended up with lakes going up the walls of a crater, a funny but not to nice looking effect :rofl:

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