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**** Mutley's Hangar Toolbar for Firefox and I.E ****

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I am using it.

I'd like to see more flight planning links, e.g.




...any sites that provide non-US weather, particularly winds aloft. (global TAFs and METARS seem to be available from the NWS site)

...sources for downloadable charts, airport diagrams, approach plates, particularly non US.

...sources for downloads of scenery, aircraft, AI, etc.

...live ATC links, e.g. http://www.liveatc.net/feedindex.php

...Aviation reference sites, e.g. ICAO country codes, TAF/METAR decoding, on-line AIMs, etc.

...FS Software developers sites

...Support forums for popular add-ons

Obviously some due care would be needed in considering what to include in some of these categories; download sites would have to be high-level addresses/home pages or the list would soon get prohibitavely long.

Please don't construe this as criticism. I use it daily - this stuff would make a good thing even better.

Thanks for asking.

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That's odd I was only there last night getting weather for EGHH!

I could put a link in metoffice.gov/aviation but as you say you have to be a member, good one cheers.

I am open to more suggestions :mrhappy:

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Thanks for the input John & Theo :star :star :star

I have now updated the toolbar, you should automatically see the changes.

Any thoughts? any additions? I am still open to suggestions although I don't want to overload it :cool:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Panos,

Sorry, there's nothing I can do to fix it, I can only modify the shortcuts not the coding.

I would imagine it's a bug in the beta software you are using as it works fine with FireFox 2. If I were you I would report the bug to Mozilla to see if they can fix it or if the code is that different wait for a new release of the toolbar. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if or when that would be. :stars:



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  • 5 months later...

Hi Panos,

I have tested the toolbar in V3 of Firefox and in Internet Explorer 8 (beta) I am happy to report that I have had no problems.

Also, I have added a whole load of new links recently and re-instated the chat room if anyones interested in using it. One note about the chatroom, it is not moderated and is anomonous so people may not be who they say they are, you have been warned :clap:

If you have any suggestions for additions for the toolbar please let me know. Don't forget there are downloadable widgets too so you can customize it to your liking,


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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the feedback on IE8 :winka:

Unfortunately there are no immediate plans from the developer for a Chrome or Safari version but you never know it may just happen one day.


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