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Newark to Boston

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Hi all!

Below is my version of the ATWCIII Leg 50. I bidded for this leg, got it, but gave it away to IcedUpPitotTube (Andrew). This was because he said he liked the ATWC and I had two legs. So one went. But I had already flown and typed up Leg 50, so here it is - the unedited version of my leg


Welcome again to this, my last (boo hoo!) ATWC III Leg. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed flying it!

I was thinking after the leg was awarded, 'I must go out with a bang!'. First thought was a AN-225, but I didn't want to break it going into Saint Johns. Maybe next time.........

Anyway, I then chose the Nimrod for the second part, but then chose the VC-10 as it was able to keep my 'eye' in on the CIVA INS system. Just how to get to Boston........



'Hi, I'm looking for an aircraft to get me to Boston - do you have any?'

'Well, if you do have about £50000 to get you there, I do. But why not hire a light aircraft such as the local flying school's C-172?'

'That's just not possible'

'Why isn't it?'

'Because I have the Around the World Challenge baton and this is my last leg'

'Well, why didn't you say so! Of course, come down to Newark International maintence area and I'll meet you there for your 'crash course' in flying the aircraft'

'Thanks! Bye!'


Walking around the terminal the next day, I grabbed a baguette for myself (cheese, ham, bacon and lettuce - yum!) and a sandwhich for a 'Sqn/Ldr Harthworth'

I walked around to the maintence hangars, where this RAF bloke met me

'I take it that's my sandwhich! Thanks!'

'Excuse me?'

'I'm the Squadron Leader, Simon (or simi_av8r), who you spoke to on the phone!'

'Oh yes I remember - I though you were in the Falklands?'

'I was but was transferred'


This converstation carried on, until we got to the aircraft.

'Here it is - the Hawk'


'Wow - she's so sleek!'


'You get in the front, I'll get in the back after I've removed the engine covers'


'Fuel on, start valve on, engine rotating, engine stabilised'

'Air Force 50, you are cleared to taxi out to runway........'


'He's bigger than us'

'But we are faster!'


'Arggh! A 777!'


'Don't worry, we'll get well away by the time he comes up to take-off'

'Air Force 50, you are cleared for take-off runway x'

'Cleared for take-off'



'OK - let's get to Boston safely'


'Autopilot on'


'Hey! That's KEWR!'


'Just sit back and relax'



'Oooh - a Delta 767-300'


'Say cheese instrument panel and baton!'


'Wanna have some fun! Autopilot off, stick DOWN!'



'thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump'- 'be still me beating heart! We are in safe hands!'


'Oohh - an ad for FS'


'Airport in sight - about ten o'clock'


'And full up!'


'Gear down?'





'We're down!'


'Want to taxi to the stand?'

'OK - I have control'

'You have control'


'Let's get a bit of fresh air'


'Jet Blue E-190 with Wi-Fi over there -can you get me a piccie?'

'Sure - cheese!'




'Chocks please, covers in, ladder in'


'Thanks so much Simon - you are a real help!'

'Want another trip in an RAF aircraft?'


'Then get another pilot and a flight engineer. Meet me in Costa Coffee at 1300hrs tomorrow - want do you want to eat?'

'Cheese, bacon and ham baguette please'

'Sure. See you tomorrow!'


Just before leaving the airport - I snapped this as a memory from home - EI-ORD landing


A lot of phoning around took place that night, then I hit the bed ans slept until about 9 o'clock the next morning. Walking down to the resturant for some good grub (food), I come across two friends. Joe Lawford and Remmington Box.

'What are you doing here?'

'You asked for me to be co-pilot'

'And me to be F/E'

'Oh yes. Sausages, Bacon and baked beans please'

We carry on talking, well, me nodding as I eat and Joe and Remmington talk to me.

A metro train arrives, and wiskes us away to Boston Logan.

'Not great seats'


Into the terminal we go, and make our way to Costa Coffee, where 3 Cheese, Ham and Bacon baguettes are waiting, with Simon

'Thanks Simon'

We talk for a while, then :

'Come on, we've got a 'flight' to catch. Follow me'

Intrigued, we follow. We go into the crew rooms, still wondering.

'Go to lockers 520, 521 and 522 and get changed - a VC-10 is awaiting!'

I don't know how we got changed that fast, but we did. We walked, with helmets in one hand, the manual in the other. We must have looked strange to those BA 747 and Air One A330 passengers......

'Here it is'



'Neat cockpit - good old fashioned elbow grease needed by the looks of it'


'I'll leave you gents to do it - I'll be in the back if you need me'


'Engines rotated and stable'

'Air force 31, cleared to taxi to runway 4L'

'Cleared to taxi, Air Force 31'



'Watch the AirTran 717 - Southwest have bought them'



'The manual states to stand on the brakes to full throttle, then let go and hope - will give the spotters a good shake!'



'Air Force 31, cleared for take-off. Try and leave the airport in one piece!'


'V1, Rotate, V2'


'Gear up please Joe'

'Gear up'


'That's something you don't hear everyday'


'No-one is taking fuel suprise suprise. Hoses coming in'


'Hoses flush'


'I'm going back to talk to Simon and get you both a cup of coffee. Any sugars?'

'One please'


'Right Joe, you have control'





'Door closes'

'Here you go, the weather don't look great now does it?'

'Nope - and we've got a visual approach'


'Gear down please!'

'Gear down' reaching over gloved hand and throttle'


'Reversers on!'


'You can taxi in Joe'


'Do we really need fuel?'

'No - we are afterall a big tank!'


'Is that John there taking photos?'

'Yes, it is. Quick, get out and chase him. He owes us a beer or two!'

'OK - Kieran you can do everything!'



And that's it folks!

I'd like to thank the following people :

Joe Lawford for taking a lot of his time making this challenge and running the forum.

Rob, Jack, Dai and everyone else for helping Joe

David Maltby and the VC-10

Iris for the freeware Hawk

Everyone on the forum making it the best place to be

Everyone who has done something to do with WoAI

FlyTampa for the free Boston scenery

Sorry if I've missed anyone!

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A very enjoyable post Kieran, I loved the shots with the T7 and the Hawk .....Nice!

Also, thanks again for letting Andrew taking leg 50, we got excellent value for money that leg.

The VC-10 was a pleasure to co-pilot, good to see you noticed my white leather flying glove too laugh.gif

As for the Hangar, keep an eye on the calendar.



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Top notch story and screenshots, Sir! Tidy Hawk that - and the VC-10 - another nice touch. Thanks for sharing - and thanks for giving Andrew his debut - you're a Gentleman! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

P.S. Next time, we should go round t' other way, Boss! :whis:

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