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The Great Australian Air Rally 2011 - GAAR 2011

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Kieran - Rob has sent me a preview of his repaint and, yes, it's for the JF Dizzie. It looks good to me - and if you P.M. Rob, I'm sure he'll get a copy to you.

And that goes for anyone else with the JF DC-3, I guess.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

P.S. Fame at last, Rob!! :thum:

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Well, it's an ill wind that...

You can post GAAR Leg 2 here - or, we could start a new thread, say, "GAAR 2011 PIREPs"? Maybe having a separate thread would make organisation easier?

And Thanks for making a start, Joe! If no-one else wants to do it, I'll do Leg 1... :whis:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

Ok Dai,

If you create a PIREP topic and pin it up I will post my flight there :icon_thumbup:

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Ok Dai,

If you create a PIREP topic and pin it up I will post my flight there :icon_thumbup:

Roger that, Boss - I'll post GAAR Leg 1 tonight, if I can. :thum:

By the way - I'm still short of Test Flight Times from Aidan, E.J. and Kieran. We can't compute the average until you guys have submitted this info!! :whis:

Lastly, Rob has suggested that we 'close' the Roster on Wednesday so that we can get on with the flying. Soooo - let us know if you're going to join us, please!!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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If you are using the Just Flight Dizzie I found that 30" Manifold and 2,500 rpm kept her at 140kts

The repaint is just a little something extra that I decided to do over the weekend with some spare time. It was never intended to be anything fantastic and on a par with Jankees' paints, so I appologise if it seems a bit bland. I don't intend making any more changes unless Joe spots some glaringly obvious mistake. Should anyone want the livery please pm me and I'll send it over.

Could we post the PIREPS in the Mutley Field Forum perhaps?

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Thanks Rob - I've updated the GAAR Roster with you doing Leg 5. :thum:

GAAR Leg List and Pilots

1. Gold Coast YBCG to Chinchilla YCCA..........176 nm RWY 14/32 1073m x 18m asphalt...Dai.Williams.................Completed

2. Chinchilla YCCA to Bundaberg YBUD...........234 nm RWY 14/32 1633 x 30m asphalt.......Joe 'Mutley' Lawford.....Completed

3. Bundaberg YBUD to Lady Elliot Island LYT....187 nm RWY 09/27 575m x 12m coral..........Dai Williams

4. Lady Elliot I LYT to Hamilton Island YBHM....316 nm RWY 14/32 1767m x 90m asphalt.....Aidan

5. Hamilton I YBHM to Alpha YAPH.................237 nm RWY 18/36 1463m x 30m asphalt.....Rob

6. Alpha YAPH to Winton YWTN.....................220 nm RWY 14/32 1405m x 30m asphalt......John Allard

7. Winton TWTN to Lavarack YLVK................. 334 nm RWY 09/27 579m x 18m grass

8. Lavarack YLVK to Chillagoe YCGO..............236 nm RWY 17/35 981m x 18m asphalt

9. Chillagoe YCGO to Lizard I. YLZI..................313 nm RWY 11/29 926m x 15m asphalt

10 Lizard I YLZI to Cairns Intl YBCS.................134 nm RWY 12/30 927m x 18m asphalt.........Kieran - or 'Chuck' to his chums!

Still need those Test Flight Times, Chaps!! :whis:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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OK; I've been trying for the past two days to do this and I can't. I must be OBS-challenged or something, but I just can't seem to do this right. I go all over the place and can never intercept the 192 and get a time.

Unless I can teach this to myself quickly, I may not be able to do this. Something about old 30's era cockpits and me just aren't mixing well. :(

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@ Kieran - thanks for the Test Flight Time!

@ E.J. - no worries, mate - I'll work out an average based on the other pilots and submit it, so you're still O.K. to fly a Leg.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

Thanks, Dai.

I'll fly leg 8 if that's alright, and I'll also do leg 9 if needed. "Double Duty!"

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Here's an update of our Team Mutley Roster with completed PIREP's:

GAAR Leg List, Pilots and PIREP's

1. Gold Coast YBCG to Chinchilla YCCA..........176 nm RWY 14/32 1073m x 18m asphalt.....Dai.........Completed.....75.79 min

2. Chinchilla YCCA to Bundaberg YBUD...........234 nm RWY 14/32 1633 x 30m asphalt........Joe.........Completed.....97.33 min

3. Bundaberg YBUD to Lady Elliot Island LYT....187 nm RWY 09/27 575m x 12m coral...........Dai........Completed.....78.23 min

4. Lady Elliot I LYT to Hamilton Island YBHM....316 nm RWY 14/32 1767m x 90m asphalt......Aidan.....In Progress

5. Hamilton I YBHM to Alpha YAPH.................237 nm RWY 18/36 1463m x 30m asphalt.......Rob.......Completed.....98.00 min

6. Alpha YAPH to Winton YWTN.....................220 nm RWY 14/32 1405m x 30m asphalt.......John Allard

7. Winton TWTN to Lavarack YLVK................. 334 nm RWY 09/27 579m x 18m grass

8. Lavarack YLVK to Chillagoe YCGO..............236 nm RWY 17/35 981m x 18m asphalt.........E.J.

9. Chillagoe YCGO to Lizard I. YLZI..................313 nm RWY 11/29 926m x 15m asphalt

10 Lizard I YLZI to Cairns Intl YBCS.................134 nm RWY 12/30 927m x 18m asphalt.........Kieran

Legs 7 and 9 up for grabs - the ball's in your court, Gentlemen!! :whis:

And lets hear it for...... TEAM MUTLEY!! :dance2:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Here's the latest update of our Team Mutley Roster with completed PIREP's:

GAAR Leg List, Pilots and PIREP's

1. Gold Coast YBCG to Chinchilla YCCA..........176 nm RWY 14/32 1073m x 18m asphalt.....Dai.........Completed.....75.79 min

2. Chinchilla YCCA to Bundaberg YBUD...........234 nm RWY 14/32 1633 x 30m asphalt........Joe.........Completed.....97.33 min

3. Bundaberg YBUD to Lady Elliot Island LYT....187 nm RWY 09/27 575m x 12m coral...........Dai........Completed.....78.23 min

4. Lady Elliot I LYT to Hamilton Island YBHM....316 nm RWY 14/32 1767m x 90m asphalt......Joe........Completed....127.63 min

5. Hamilton I YBHM to Alpha YAPH.................237 nm RWY 18/36 1463m x 30m asphalt.......Rob.......Completed.....98.00 min

6. Alpha YAPH to Winton YWTN.....................220 nm RWY 14/32 1405m x 30m asphalt.......John Allard

7. Winton TWTN to Lavarack YLVK................. 334 nm RWY 09/27 579m x 18m grass

8. Lavarack YLVK to Chillagoe YCGO..............236 nm RWY 17/35 981m x 18m asphalt.........E.J.

9. Chillagoe YCGO to Lizard I. YLZI..................313 nm RWY 11/29 926m x 15m asphalt

10 Lizard I YLZI to Cairns Intl YBCS.................134 nm RWY 12/30 927m x 18m asphalt.........Kieran

Legs 7 and 9 up for grabs - Aidan, you have first call...

Half Way there, Chaps!! Team Mutley is Go!! :clapping:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

What happened? Did you guys forget to file the pirep?

Contacted Andrew - the Leg 1 PIREP was delayed by Cyclone Yasi! Should be up by the next Leg report... :whis:

@ Rob - I'll PM John and E.J.

@ Kieran - thanks for the Leg 9 offer, it's yours, Mate! :thum:

Which leaves Leg 7 - anyone??? :clapping:

Will update the Roster when I can... -_-

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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