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Oil and Dettol

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In the JF Cessna 152 , a VFR flight from Leeds Bradford Airport to Huddersfield airfield, we play to circle Leeds Bradford and practice a engine failure, and then totally VFR to Huddersfield. You can hold the map!

The tower which is famous to locals as a gateway to foreign lands!


Idling at the runway side, apparently there is a plane about to take off...


Our passenger for today, looking a bit ill, must be all that excitement about the engine failure practice


'So anyway I was talki....WOAH!' The Flybe rushes past as it starts rotation.


It's our turn!


As we fly out, we see the hangars of the company that lent us the aircraft for the afternoon.


Lines of 737's stand down at Leeds waiting to be called into service


Keep climbing, nearly at a sufficient altitude to do the failure practice.


'ohh look at the pretty countryside!' Typical woman


Turning to runway heading, we start idling the engine ready to cut the fuel supply...


*kksscchh* 'Golf Bravo November Romeo Echo, winds too severe for failure checks, please proceed on your VFR course to Huddersfield'

And I was looking forward to scaring the lady


As we proceed, we see the town of Bradford


Residential areas and the M62 cutting through.


Descending over Huddersfield town centre, this airfield is an absolute pig to find, keep your eyes peeled.


Thar she blows!


We follow the Huddersfield - Mirfield railway line to line up with the runway.


'Oh no we haven't intercepted the ILS!'


Woops, we shouldn't try touching down at 100kts, the locals don't like it, let's go around.


Ahhh, much nicer approach, however a severe crosswind forces us to the side


Can you smell the burning rubber?


'Hello chaps, hope you've got that cup of tea ready for me!'


Hope you enjoyed the flight

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Thanks for the very kind replies guys.

Mulletman - Huddersfield is certainly not for the feint hearted :mrhappy:

I've never even seen/heard anything about Huddersfield airfield, and I live 1 mile from Huddersfield!

Maybe it goes by a different name in real life?

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Hi Luke, I must have missed this first time around, thanks for a great post, I love the shot with the FlyBe Dash 8? rushing past well done! It must be pure coincidence but I've just flown in one of them!


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  • 4 months later...

Hiya Mutley & co. :mrhappy:

I've just responded to Kierans email. For anyone else who was wondering the Leeds/Bradford and Huddersfield scenery is from the British Aiports series by Just Flight

Sorry about my absence but I am snowed under by school work. Hopefully I can find more time for the forum and flight sim in June sometime, but you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder :roll:

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