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Hot off the press! Just published, Jack Whaley-Baldwin's review of TA Software's Plan-G flight planner.


This product has quite rightly been awarded the Mutley's Hangar Award for Excellence and is the first FREEWARE title to do so.

Read why...

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Double-congratulations are in order - to Jack for a very nicely written and illustrated review and to Tim for a masterful piece of work. Take a bow, both of you.


+1 I'll second that :001_th_smiles89: Plan-G is excellent.

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First of, great review Jack I enjoyed reading it.

I think I might need to try this one out soon..

And one small question to Tim. From what I read in the review there's no support for entering SIDs/STARs in to the flight plan. Is that correct? Any chance you might look into addning such a feature utilising Navigraph data?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm trying to learn how to master the art of flying those, and just a few of my aircrafts have the ability to add these in to an FMC after planning the route, so must of the time I need to add these before I finish the flight plan...

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Another great review Jack. Well Done mate.

Now all I have to do is learn to use G-Plan properly ha ha. All good fun.

I reckon it deserves the Mutleys award definately.

Well done again.

Brian :001_th_smiles89:

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there's no support for entering SIDs/STARs in to the flight plan. Is that correct? Any chance you might look into addning such a feature utilising Navigraph data?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm trying to learn how to master the art of flying those, and just a few of my aircrafts have the ability to add these in to an FMC after planning the route, so must of the time I need to add these before I finish the flight plan...

Not very likely, I'm afraid. Plan-G is specifically designed for VFR GA flying (there's a clue in the banner at the top of this thread...), and while there is some IFR stuff in there, it is only at a level that is appropriate to get you out of trouble in deteriorating weather etc. (Much like the UK IMC rating in that respect). When you start looking at SIDs and STARs and FMCs, you're getting into the realm of deliberate IFR and transport cat flying, and that's way out of scope as far as Plan-G goes.

There are lots of very good dedicated IFR flight planners, which I can recommend. Plan-G is a dedicated VFR planner and I don't have the time or resources (or inclination if I'm honest) to try to be all things to all people. Sorry chap. ;)

Although of course, if you have the charts, you can still join the dots between the waypoints...

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Thanks for your reply Tim.

I just thought I'd ask since Jack mentioned some IFR-functions in the review, and with the banner I was guessing it was a longshot anyway :D

I guess I'll just stick to FS Commander for my IFR-flights, even if I'm not 100% satisfied with it...

but I might just give Plan-G a shot for those short hops in the Cessna 208 around the ORBX NA range :thum:

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