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I hereby wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Christmas season. Hope the contemplative days are not too stressful. Very good I think is the beautiful design of the Mutleys page. So I wish you from here, seems to be probably the only crazy geek be from Germany, all the best. :thum:Cheers.

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Hi Max,

Thanks for your very kind words about our site and for "hanging" around here, you are very welcome. :hat:

I would also like to thank ALL our members for making this the most friendly and informative flight sim site on the web. I think it's great we have no disruptive members and everyone is so helpful.

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, New Year.

Sincerely ...Joe


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I can't top Needles' contribution. If I were a true southerner I'd say something like, "Merry Christmas, y'all, and I hope you'uns and us'uns can get together real soon for some pork barbeque and black-eyed peas... Hope all y'all have a great new year too."


Being a simple transplanted northerner, I'll just say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all at Mutley's Hangar.



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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all who hang out in the "Hangar".

I wish everyone good health and happiness for this festive season.

I'd also like to take this opportunity thank Joe and the rest of the Mutley Crew for making this such a welcoming place for all Flight Sim enthusiasts. Great job and long may it continue.

Merry Christmas all

Sabre (Graeme)

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