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Wing struts above the wing have to be big - they're in compression rather than tension and have to be beefy enough to not buckle. Wings struts below the wing are in tension and the load-bearing elemen

But can it lay an egg?   I've seen photos of that one before but don't know what it is or where it's based.  Such poor taste in flying objects is more commonly seen in the hot air balloon ge

What a cock up.

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I think that's an inlet with a cover over it at the root - very small though.  Could this thing be rocket powered, and the inlet(s) just for some kind of cooling function.  


Something about it suggests "Bell" to me but there seems to be a faded logo on the nose that looks a lot like an old McDonnel-Douglas logo.  It also resembles a Boeing logo, but not an exact match for either.


I just noticed some more clues...



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The empennage and nose gear doors suggest Supermarine, something around the vintage of Scimitar or Swift, but it doesn't really match either of those; both are a bit beefier in the rear fuselage area.  


There's something parked behind it with a very expensive looking paint job that seems to have a very similar shaped empennage.  I'm guessing our mystery plane was some kind of developmental prototype or test bed that supported the design of the one behind.  


Totally out of left field, the Russians love red for non-flight components, even more than others.  I note red wheel chocks and a faded red inlet cover at the root.  Could this thing speak something Cyrillic?


Where's Andrew when we need him.


Alan is becoming the master of the obscure.



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I kept out of this one. I always thought the Yak 32 looked vaguely like a hunter from a frontal aspect. Quite different from the rear which looks like the engine has been bunged underneath as an afterthought!

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