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Wing struts above the wing have to be big - they're in compression rather than tension and have to be beefy enough to not buckle. Wings struts below the wing are in tension and the load-bearing elemen

But can it lay an egg?   I've seen photos of that one before but don't know what it is or where it's based.  Such poor taste in flying objects is more commonly seen in the hot air balloon ge

What a cock up.

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Paul, for info on posting pic's  check out the following thread, you can try the first link given in post #2 (which is pinned in our site) or if you use Photobucket just read further on to my post. http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/11474-how-to-upload-pictures/?hl=%2Badding+%2Bscreenshots#entry96717

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It looks like the love child of an Avro Anson and a Moony Bravo!



The rudder screams Piper Cub but that's about the only thing that looks familiar.  Early post-war from the style, I'd say, and if so, in pretty good shape for being that old.



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Looks like it could be a homebuilt. No registration shown, so hard to tell. I'm looking at the "end plate" wingtips - a little like the spinning knives on the chariot hubs in the movie "Ben Hur". Screw pattern looks typical Clarke Y, another clue to homebuilt status.


Stumped this chump!

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Some heavy duty wing struts too!


Wing struts above the wing have to be big - they're in compression rather than tension and have to be beefy enough to not buckle. Wings struts below the wing are in tension and the load-bearing element can usually just be a rod or cable, sometimes covered with a fairing, ala Cessna. I'm pretty sure those Cessna singles just have a rod inside that oval strut tube.


For some reason that thing makes me think Czech or maybe French, but couldn't tease it out of either country's aircraft lists for the 30s through 50s. I must be barking up the wrong tree. I don't think it's home-built. I have the impression of a low-production commercial product, maybe even a prototype. There is a Czech twin of that era by Aero that looks a lot like it but can't find any reference to a single-engined little brother.


Good one, Al, no matter how you came by it.




EDIT:  Looking more closely, I'm getting more sniffs of Piper.  Those lightning flashes on the end plates and fuselage sure do look like a Cub's, and the main gear kind of have that look too, and as I noted earlier, that rudder shape could have come right off a J-3.  Could this be some wild-hair of Piper's that didn't pan out, maybe post-Cub, pre-Tri-Pacer?  Will have to look some more but it's too late tonight.  Leaving this clue for others to run down if they care to. 



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I can tell you that it was mass produced and 218 of them were built. the design was continually improved and evolved, Those overwing struts give a big clue as to part of its intended use as this is a common feature on these aircraft.

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I was thinking 'Zenaire' kit aircraft - can't find it. Zenaire was a spin off from Czech Sport (I think). This is why I've been working on Homebuilt or Kit aircraft. Still can't find it.



EDIT:  Looking more closely, I'm getting more sniffs of Piper.  Those lightning flashes on the end plates and fuselage sure do look like a Cub's, and the main gear kind of have that look too, and as I noted earlier, that rudder shape could have come right off a J-3.  Could this be some wild-hair of Piper's that didn't pan out, maybe post-Cub, pre-Tri-Pacer?  Will have to look some more but it's too late tonight.  Leaving this clue for others to run down if they care to. 


End Quote


I agree, that lightning flash is pretty distinctive. However, the comment was made by some guy who was up all night doing airport diagram edits (my phone was beeping and bleeping with incoming notifications up until I went to bed at 2230 on the west coast - a full three hours behind Florida)

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