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FSX Power Project v4.2 added to members scenery file library.

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FSX Power Project v4.2 - NEW FEATURES.

New wind turbine models - smoother animation & up to double the previous frame rates in vicinity of the larger wind farms.
New cooling tower models - improved frame rates, particularly at the closely grouped Yorkshire power stations.

Additional scenery:


Baie des Sables wind farm, Quebec  -  73 turbines  (added v4.2)  N48 43, W67 52


Ayios Nikolaos Joint Service Signal Unit Stn -   4 dishes  (added v4.2)  N35 06, E33 53


Bollène wind farm    -   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N44 19, E04 44
Plateau Ardéchois wind farm, Cros de Géorand -   8 turbines  (added v4.2)  N44 49, E04 08


Gembeck wind farm, Hessen   -  18 turbines  (added v4.2)  N51 21, E08 54


Kilgarvan wind farm, County Kerry  -  30 turbines  (added v4.2)  N51 56, W09 19


Fucino ESA tracking/satellite earth station -   (added v4.2)  N41 59, E13 36


Remerschen wind turbine    -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N49 30, E06 21


Gebbies Pass wind turbine, Christchurch  -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  S43 42, E172 38
Mahinerangi wind farm, Otago, South Island -  12 turbines  (added v4.2)  S45 46, E169 54


Svalbard satellite earth station  -   9 radomes  (added v4.2)  N78 14, E15 24
Tromsø satellite earth station   -   (added v4.2)  N69 40, E18 57


Bangui wind farm, Ilocos Norte, Luzon  -  20 turbines  (added v4.2)  N18 32, E120 43


Bukit Timah satellite earth station  -   (added v4.2)  N01 21, E103 47


Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex  -   6 dishes  (added v4.2)  N40 26, W04 15


Adds more electricity pylons (2,000+) & electrical sub-stations in Scotland - these, & other sceneries in the North of
Scotland are now aligned to Horizon GenerationX Scotland North photo terrain textures (volume 6).

[Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm, North Wales is currently being constructed - completion expected early 2014.]
[London Array offshore wind farm should be completed early 2013 - World's largest offshore wind farm.]

Bagmoor wind turbines, Lincolnshire   -   8 turbines   (+5 turbines v4.2)  N53 37, W00 39
Balnamoon Farm wind turbine, Moray, Scotland -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N57 35, W02 53
Bicker Fen wind farm, Lincolnshire  -  13 turbines   (+7 turbines v4.2)  N52 56, W00 13
Black Law wind farm, S Lanarkshire, Scotland -  54 turbines  (added v4.2)  N55 45, W03 46
Boyndie Airfield wind farm, Aberdeenshire -   7 turbines  (added v4.2)  N57 40, W02 38

Burbo Bank offshore wind farm   -  25 turbines  (added v4.2)  N53 29, W03 11
Castle Pill Wind Farm, Steynton   -   4 turbines    (+1 turbine, v4.2)  N51 43, W05 00
Causeymire wind farm, NE Scotland  -  21 turbines  (added v4.2)  N58 26, W03 26
Cowhill wind turbine, Aberdeenshire, Scotland -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N57 24, W02 26
Dalswinton-Pennyland Moor wind farm, Scotland -  15 turbines  (added v4.2)  M55 11, W03 40

Dummuie wind farm, Aberdeenshire, Scotland -   7 turbines  (added v4.2)  N57 25, W02 44
Edinbane wind farm, Isle of Skye, Scotland -  13 of 18 turbines (added v4.2)  N57 26, W06 25
Ednie Farm wind turbine, Aberdeenshire, Scotland-   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N57 33, W01 51
Ffynnon Oer wind farm, South Wales  -  16 turbines  (added v4.2)  N51 40, W03 40
Forss wind farm, Scotland   -   6 turbines   (+4 turbines v4.2)  N58 36, W03 41

Glass Moor wind farm, Cambridgeshire  -   8 turbines  (added v4.2)  N52 30, W00 06
Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm, North Wales - 160 turbines  (added v4.2)  N53 24, W03 34
Hapton wind farm, Lancashire, England  -   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N53 46, W02 17
Hare Hill wind farm, East Ayrshire  -  20 turbines (+18 turbines, v4.2)  N55 22, W04 08
Hill of Burns wind turbine, Aberdeenshire -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N57 24, W02 26

Kilbraur wind farm, Highland, Scotland  -  15 of 19 turbines (added v4.2)  N58 02, W04 03
London Array offshore wind farm, Thames estuary - 175 turbines  (added v4.2)  N51 38, E01 30
McCains Foods wind farm, Whittlesey, Cambridges'-   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N52 34, W00 11
Monar Dam, Glen Strathfarrar, Scotland  -     (added v4.2)  N57 25, W05 00
Newstead wind turbine, Aberdeenshire, Scotland -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N57 33, W02 18

North Hoyle offshore wind farm   -  30 turbines  (added v4.2)  N53 25, W03 28
North Rhins wind farm, Dumfries & Galloway -  11 turbines  (added v4.2)  N54 53, W05 05
Novar wind farm, Scotland   -  34 turbines (+18 turbines, v4.2)  N57 42, W04 27
Pates Hill wind farm, West Lothian, Scotland -   7 turbines  (added v4.2)  N55 49, W03 36
Paul's Hill wind farm, Moray, Scotland  -  28 turbines  (added v4.2)  N57 27, W03 28

Peterhead power station, Scotland  -   (added v4.2)  N57 29, W01 47
RAF Benbecula radar station, Outer Hebrides -   2 radomes  (added v4.2)  N57 21, W07 22
RAF Oakhanger satellite earth stn, Hampshire -   (added v4.2)  N51 07, W00 54
Rothes (Cairn Uish) wind farm, Moray, Scotland -  22 turbines  (added v4.2)  N57 32, W03 22
St John's Wells wind farm, Aberdeenshire -   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N57 26, W02 20

Scout Moor wind farm, Rochdale, England  -  26 turbines  (added v4.2)  N53 40, W02 15
Scroby Sands offshore wind farm, Great Yarmouth -  30 turbines  (added v4.2)  N52 39, E01 47
Strath of Brydock wind farm, Aberdeenshire -   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N57 38, W02 35
The Hollies wind farm, Lincolnshire, England -   2 turbines  (added v4.2)  N53 08, E00 14
Walney 1 offshore wind farm   -  51 turbines  (added v4.2)  N54 02, W03 30

Walney 2 offshore wind farm   -  51 turbines  (added v4.2)  N54 03, W03 35
Wether Hill wind farm, Dumfries & Galloway -  14 turbines   (+9 turbines v4.2)  N55 13, W04 03


Bartlett's Ocean View wind turbine, Nantucket, MA -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N41 16, W070 08
Bennett Creek wind farm, Idaho   -  20 turbines  (added v4.2)  N43 03, W115 29
Buffalo Mountain wind farm, Tennessee  -  18 turbines  (added v4.2)  N36 08, W084 21
F E Warren AFB wind farm, Cheyenne, Wyoming -   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N41 11, W104 53
Fenner Wind Power Project, New York  -  19 turbines  (added v4.2)  N42 59, W075 45

Fox Islands Wind Proj, Vinalhaven Island, Maine -   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N44 06, W068 52
Goldstone Deep Space Comms Complex, California  -   3 dishes  (added v4.2)  N35 25, W116 54
Green Mountain Energy wind farm, Pennsylvania -   4 of ? turbines (added v4.2)  N41 23, W083 44
Jersey Atlantic wind farm, Atlantic City, NJ    -   5 turbines  (added v4.2)  N39 23, W074 27
Kumeyaay wind farm, E of San Diego, California -  25 turbines  (added v4.2)  N32 43, W116 20

Lake Palmdale wind turbine, California  -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N34 33, W118 07
Mars Hill wind farm, Maine   -  20 of 28? turbines (added v4.2)  N46 33, W067 48
Pigeon Creek wind turbine, Illinois  -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N39 50, W091 12
Portsmouth wind turbine, Rhode Island  -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N41 37, W071 15
San Clemente Island wind farm, California _   3 turbines  (added v4.2)  N32 59, W118 33

Spanish Fork wind farm, Utah   -   9 turbines  (added v4.2)  N40 04, W111 35
Testa Produce Inc wind turbine, Chicago  -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N41 49, W087 39
Three D Metals wind turbine, Valley City, Ohio -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N41 15, W081 53
Waymart wind farm, Pennsylvania   -  43 turbines  (added v4.2)  N41 35, W075 26
Williams Stone wind turbine,Otis, Massachussetts -   1 turbine  (added v4.2)  N42 14, W073 04





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Hmmmm... lasts night post I made isn't here. Anyway, what I said was "Thanks so much for your continuing work on this project Ray, you are a real asset to the FS community." :thum:

I have made specific flights to find some of power plants but I love it when I'm just flying around and come across them, it's like finding an Easter egg. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your nice feedback, sadly my father passed away a few hours after posting this topic - hence my delay in replying.


Reference Brett's comments, much of this scenery was designed more than 3-years ago, so I am also surprised to come across some of the scenery objects when flying around the World!


The time I can spare on this project is currently much rationed but hopefully the many 'backburner' tasks I have planned will eventually be completed.





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Brett, don't have my night goggles to hand, but that looks like my rendition of Ferrybridge power station, or according to my English to American dictionary, Ferrybridge power plant.


Thanks, Joe. Fortunately this flight sim hobby of ours is a bit like a doorway into another world, hopefully similar enough to the real world, but one in which we can be so immersed that, temporarily, lifes' little troubles can be left behind!





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We do have a way with words :rolleyes:  You mean I have been saying it wrong all this time? :D


This searched from wikianswers:

Q-Is there any difference between power plant and power station?

The term, 'power plant', could really apply to any source of power: from a power station to a small portable generator. A 'power station', on the other hand, is always used to describe a power plant that supplies the electricity grid system.


Eh..tomayto tomahto  :D Thanks for the fne redition of Ferrybridge Power Source. :thum:


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Thanks for your posting, more than 8-months have passed by since my dad passed away - the saying that time is great healer is very true.


He did have a "good innings" but sadly the quality of his life at the end was not how most of us would want to end our days.




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