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I'm curious about the registration that can be seen under the wing. Does it start with G (United Kingdom) or C (Canada)? The wing strut blocks part of the letter.


If "C", the balance of the registration would have to start with either "F" or "G". Ie: C-FXXX or C-GXXX.


In the bad old days our registrations, mostly the CF (originals) were CF-XXX. But that was back when ATC could talk to you. Not uncommon to hear "Lima India Golf, report the water tower" or some such landmark. Nowadays you have to give them four letters - just in case there might be two airplanes with the same suffix in the pattern at the same time. It can be a pain because Foxtrot is not a short word and an awful lot of airplanes are still flying around with an F in the reggie.

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Well after recieving a letter from FedEx requesting that I not have my fleet in a simular scheme to theirs and also the rego mix up the 182 went back into the paintshop . This has been a costly exercise for me and my finances are really stretched . Hopefully no one complains about this new scheme for my fleet which may or may not include an Gippsland Airvan that has been seen parked outside the Tecaty Express hanger in the last 24-48 hours. I will only confirm that we had been looking at the Airvan as an alternative to the 182 if and when we have the finances to afford . I have been testing the GA8 and crunching the numbers. 



The New C-FRDR 



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Looks great Steve except for spelling Express wrong....only kidding, no need for another repaint. :D Hopefully the future holds more black than red in your account book. :thum:

I do have a question about the name and where it comes from if it's not to personal. Does it have anything to do with Australian dirt track racing?

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Nothing to do with Australian DIrt track racing as far as I am aware , I am involved in Dirt Track Speedway and Dirt track karting but the name is actually derived from my three children Teliqua , Caitlyn and Tyler so TE CA TY . The colours are used on my racecar as they were chosen by my kids as well , Purple , Splice Lime and Black 

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That's sweet Steven, three beautiful kids names and they picked perfect colors for a racecar. Easy to see with all that dirt a'fly'in. Doesn't get better than that! :thum:

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Press Release From Tecaty Express 


Today has seen another step forward for Tecaty Express with the announcement of another airframe being added to the fleet .  


CEO and Chief Pilot Steven Wilkinson has this to say .


"We were looking for an aircraft that could hold more cargo then our current Cessna but still be cheap to run and maintain. After extensive research and testing we focused on the Gippsland GA8 Airvan. We hope to be able to obtain a few more in the upcoming times to help with the increase of freight and cargo jobs that we are currently facing."


When asked by another reporter on rumours that the Main Base of operations may be moving to an as of yet unknown location but highly rumoured to be a major international airport Mr Wilkinson responded with a "No Comment".


Whilst the aircraft itself has not been seen by anyone in the area it has been spotted over in Calgary 

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Due to issues with corruption in my AH file it is with a sad and heavy heart that I announce the closure of Tecaty Express. I had finally made it up to 59% rep before this happened so I am destroyed. I will be returning with a new Company but will no longer be posting as Tecaty Express. I will from now on in be posting under my real name so look for the new company in the very near future ( possibly later today ). Having learned a lot from my initial company I expect that my new venture will be very profitable from the start. :) 


See you all In the skies soon . 

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Due to issues with corruption in my AH file it is with a sad and heavy heart that I announce the closure of Tecaty Express. I had finally made it up to 59% rep before this happened so I am destroyed. I will be returning with a new Company but will no longer be posting as Tecaty Express. I will from now on in be posting under my real name so look for the new company in the very near future ( possibly later today ). Having learned a lot from my initial company I expect that my new venture will be very profitable from the start. :)


See you all In the skies soon .

If applicable to your region, try setting the 'airport size' slider in the job generation options to bigger airports. That increases the chance of getting multiple jobs to the same airport and therefore more rep gains with less flights.

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