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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/07/14 in all areas

  1. Carenado's PA46T Malibu Jet Prop is rapidly worming it's way into my heart as my favorite Go To reputation hauler in Airhauler. It is about a 1,400 lb hauler (after "removing" the passenger seats) that zooms along at high altitude at over 200 kts, looks sweet, and handles extremely well. It has a pretty rapid response for a turbo prop, but still def requires a bit of attention to that delay on landings. Despite the high cruise (201kts) and max speeds (230kts) she lands at 60kts, combined with very good brakes = easy peasy to get into fairly short fields. I'm not certain exactly where
    1 point
  2. The Ukraine military and, of course the Russian military, have BUK systems. It's unknown whether the Ukranian rebels have control of any of these systems (or something similar) or not, however, to the extent that the pro-Russian Ukranian rebels are supplied or augmented by Russia and possibly even by Russian Spetznaz commandos pretending to be Urkanians, the probability increases. Flares would not work as a deterrent in this case. Long range SAMs are radar guided. Flares are intended to provide protection from IR-seekers, i.e. typical shoulder-fired, short range MANPADs like the US
    1 point
  3. Apparently the US will have access to satellite imagery that should be able to identify ultra-violet plumes if a long-range surface-to-air missile was fired.
    1 point
  4. @Geoff: Nope.. no Saab, nor a Volvo.. they are way to expensive for me... and I have so far been rather un-impressed by the Volvos I've tried to drive... Never did try to drive a Saab though.. Chris, Alan.. sure did crack a few cold ones open after we finished it.. and more to come when we're actually done for the summer!!!
    1 point
  5. Third and final entry...one of 3 custom paints I have managed to make time to do. This is my "Van Goghs Anywhere"...Virtavia's C-7A Caribou. Good luck all.
    1 point
  6. Alan, I put together a list of tweaks that I have come across that have FSX running smoothly on my system. It might be worth a read http://www.fsnut.co.uk/improve-fsx-performance-tweaks/
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Edited: Somehow deleted pic from Picasa.
    1 point
  9. and a DRAGON rapide, this one even named 'Iolar' (eagle in Irish)
    1 point
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