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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. Great stuff Brian. Considering the difficulties I had with the DC-6 I salute you for braving this weather in this tiny plane!
  2. I was late, boy was I ever! Inspired by my first love (No not Sharon but the Gooney Bird / Dakota) I decided to fly this delivery with the DC-3. However when I got around to flight planning the restrictive rules in the UK made it impossible to make this flight and be more or less on time. The flight plan would have to be like this. That would not be a workable solution so I asked Sharon to make a Big Six available at the airport. She did ask "Are you sure?" in her most innocent tone of voice. Not suspecting anything and with enough runway length I did not see any problems and repli
  3. Great start from the Mutley Team. I wonder on who's lap Sharon got there?
  4. This sounds like the these days accepted way of doing business: let them pay now and deliver later. I voted no. I know software as a service is supposed to be the next big thing but I'm old fashioned. My idea of doing business is just different: If I run a business, I take the risk, I reap the rewards if succesful - I don't let my clients pay up front (unless I am hired on a per hour fee and even then they pay for the hours after I actually put in the hours).
  5. Great that you found the solution. Enjoy the plane!
  6. Anders, I stand corrected. I must have confused the Chipmunk with some other JF product. I am not too worried about the light I'm in, everybody misses something once in a while and I am no exception. So you could lighten up on that note - it is 'only' a forum. The Canberra is still stunning however.
  7. The Canberra is flying beautifully in FSX. Stunning! The Chipmunk is a P3D v1 product, so you could have seen that one coming...
  8. Could not let the Canberra fly by for that price - not even having seen this No discount - but a good flying Tomcat? I am starting to purr
  9. Martin he did challenge both Newton and Maxwell. No mean feat
  10. @Mark, Much more eloquent like I said before! The reason the idea scares me is because it is actually how Dutch scientific research now is funded. Universities are run by administrators and managers where once they were run by scientist. The highest goal is deliver as much graduated students as possible instead of deliver high quality science. The last couple of years government funding of scientific research is based on ROI instead of scientific value. This approach has led to major problems and fraud - but the government and managers don't see that as a system failure because the consensu
  11. Mark, you can say the things I want to say much more eloquent than I can. The discussion of Tol's opinions is something I try very hard to stay clear of. The leaving of a lead writer of an IPCC chapter in itself is cause for pause. If I get into the argument of Tol's opinions I stand a good chance to be seen as his defender (which I am not) and to spend a lot of time (which I don't really have available at the moment). Sorry Martin but I have to disagree .. I was trained in the spirit of Karl Popper. The only real science is based on falsification and there is no real truth other than
  12. Hi Martin, It must be a language thing then. In Dutch being a sceptic does not mean the same as being a denier. I am being a sceptic of most things in life and the recent escapades of IPCC has given me reason to be sceptic about the claims in the report. That is not saying the claims are false but it is saying that I am sceptically following events. Am I correct in assuming you are climate scientist? You use the wording "we" sometimes especially when writing about the models. I am not a cllimate scientist although I assume my university will at least claim they have given me scienti
  13. Hi Martin, That is an understatement considering you need three posts for your reaction. I will use less concise sentences to try and relay my point. :By this I mean that I predicted in an earlier post and so you did. I actually meant to say that you did not read anything by the man. Your subsequent post in 'answering' shows as much since you never quote anything he wrote but only what others write about what he wrote. I did read works by Tol, you know books and stuff in stead of blogs by himself or others, you should try it. The funny part here is that I d
  14. Yep, the man not the ball. Not read anything by the man. The people he accuses of not being scientific say: "Well he is not scientific himself!" without any further proof (echo's of my four year old there). Have fun but do try to read a little better. Ta ta for now. [edit] Funny, I always had the impression that most of the earths surface was ocean .. Ta ta for now again.. [/edit]
  15. Martin, Tol is indeed an economic. He was also a member of IPCC for years. If he is not qualified than that in itself discredits the panel so I am most curious what you will bring to the table to discredit an economic ranked in the top 250 in the world. His arguments for leaving are centered on the procedures not being sound and scientific (it is about the numbers). Now I doubt that you can call him out on not knowing enough about numbers - but you can always try. You also miss the point about the temperatures. They did not rise and yeah there is consensus. Of course there is also consen
  16. Ahh, always fun to just barge in. -1- I do believe in global warming and that humanity has an influence on it. -2- I am skeptical / sceptical (We dutchies learn UK English at school but work mostly with US citizens after that) about the whole panic created by the panel. I have several reasons for that. a- A Dutch CONTRIBUTOR (you know writer and stuff) quit before publication of the latest report because IT IS NOT SCIENTIFIC. Now this is not a climate skeptic or non believer. [Dutch Professor Richard Tol has resigned from the Climate Panel of the UN. Professor Tol disagrees with the bi
  17. Thanks for the welcome back guys, I feel right at home. Three ladies in the house will indeed be bliss - I can't wait until mom hits the menopause while the daughters hit puberty. I'll just stay behind my little screen and hide in my virtual airline career!
  18. Hi Alan, that is back sooner than I expected but they obviously just couldn't keep you too long in hospital. A blockade stronger than diamond is one way to get out soon I reckon! I do hope they find something to fix you up soon. Take care.
  19. Take care Alan, see you back here soon.
  20. @Andrew, glad to be back. With regards to the glass cockpit an excerpt from a NASA report from 1981 (to be found here ) " In 1981 the Presidential Task Force on Aircraft Crew Complement recommended that transport aircraft could be safely flown by a two-pilot crew; their findings were based largely on the assumption that the flight engineer's duties could be absorbed by increasing the level of cockpit automation (McLucus, Drinkwater, and Leaf, 1981). The report also stated that the FAA had properly certified the Douglas DC-9-80 (now MD-80) as a two-pilot aircraft. Furthermore, their findin
  21. The MD11 is not the first 'glass cockpit' airliner. The Douglas MD80 was certainly earlier (around 1976). I had a couple of flights in the MD11 as pax to the US and Kenia. It is a beautiful plane - luckily I get to play captain of the lady in FSX!
  22. Hi guys and gals, It's been a while, but I am back - both in simming and on the forum. The last 6 months or so were a little busy with real life crowding out virtual life. One very good rl event was the birth of my second daughter, so I am now the proud father of 2 beautiful girls. I expect to become a regular again and may be even post something useful once in a while. For now it is back to square one with starting new companies in FSPax and AH and coming to grips with the more complex add-ons. For now I managed to fly the A320 without crashing so I have some hope to be back in the A2A and PM
  23. Thanks for the best wishes, Her name is Zoë and she looks like this:
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