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Captain Caveman

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About Captain Caveman

  • Rank
    Commercial Pilot
  • Birthday February 24

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    At Home

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  1. Welcome to the 'Hangar' and thanks. The hangar is full of help and advice if ever you need it! And many more friends for a good banter.
  2. Maybe I should of explained in a bit more detail about joining the Hells Angels Chopper Gang!
  3. My families prayers go out to all affected by this terrible accident
  4. Hi dj, If you're looking for short hauls then look for an area that has a lot of nearby airports (obviously) the more nearby the more jobs generated! If you want long haul then you need a base with a long enough runway. Just look for an area you like and hunt around for a base that you can afford every month and still have spare cash for fuel / damage repairs etc. Good look with the AH addiction! Glen
  5. Hi Bobby, It never was a game! Hehehe what does you're wife know about FSX and AH? These could be real! And it sure beats moaning about your bad day in the office! Its my virtual business. Ok the money isn't in my bank but I'll live! Glen
  6. Welcome to mutleys. Where exactly have you installed FSX? Somewhere on Mutleys forum I recall that you should install FSX outside the windows installation (eg, another hard drive) as the installation in the program files conflicts with windows permissions I believe.
  7. Happy retirement Gera! You forgot the important 2 ........ 1 - Turn the alarm clock off! 2 - Sleep in! Hope to see your adventures on here soon! Glen
  8. Lol I've now got a huge bald spot from head scratching and tearing my hair out! Thanks again guys its better to have 'many cooks to prepare the broth' in times like this as one may come up with the last thing you would never of thought and that would be the answer! (If you get my strange ramble?) Again thanks all.
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