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Everything posted by greenk

  1. :biggrin: Can that get any better Joe!!! :smile:
  2. As promised, I eventually managed to get a proper flight in tonight... I chose the Just Flight Piper PA-28 Archer 181 III and am glad I did. The flight was as follows and was done with FS Economy, so managed to make just under v/$1,000.00... EDWL -> EDWG (Stop off for fuel) EDWG -> EDXO (To pick up a paying assignment) EDXO -> EDXH (To deliver the assignment) Scenery was Aerosoft German Airfields 1 and Aerosoft Helgoland X... Hope you like
  3. Okay, please don't shout at me! I don't have much clues about computer hardware! I've got... Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.40 GHz 2.00 GB RAM 256MB RADEON X600 Card Thingy (Graphics/Video Whatever It Is Called) I was looking around the web to see what I could do about the RAM and found that I could double it for
  4. greenk


    amazing! Please share, how do you get that grass effects at the front?
  5. I was gona say, whatever it is, it's got a hell of a lot of engines!
  6. lo.l.. I don't have a "clue!!!" what this one is!
  7. yep, reconisable 152! This VFR Real Scenery stuff is great, I'm using it to practise my cross countries for my PPL, helps me what to sorta expect in the real thing!
  8. very nice... VFR real scenery?
  9. cheers I just seen a DHL painted B206 on Airliners and thought it would look cool on the R44!
  10. Over at FS Economy I offer repainting services and thats just the name
  11. looking great mutley! 'you guys have got your act together' with scenery looking like that! :smile:
  12. Those Hercules shots are amazing and that Mooney one too!
  13. Ah, there's your free advice for the day from our resident post & rail expert! Cheers! lol... thats good. Thank you, for the warm welcome and this! I won't say what I have chosen but will show you as soon as I recieve it and got some shots.
  14. congrats, I remember mine from last August, I hadn't flown for 8 months before that, but the instructor quickly took me round the circuit making sure I could do a PFL and go around. I remember my legs shaking a bit out of not expecting it and looking down to the instructors seat as I pushed the throttle in!
  15. okay, here's the next shot, I took this photo while at work... It was done with my mobile phone which puts 3 photos together so I know it isnt perfect.
  16. Shall I justy post a screenshot now, or wait for a confirmation from the guy who posted the PA-28-161 shot? :great:
  17. Piper PA-28-161 Warrior III Nice aircraft too! l.ol Made by Aussim
  18. l.ol... that first CitX paint is awesome :atwc:
  19. greenk

    P-40 Recce

    okay, good luck on the project anyway!
  20. greenk

    P-40 Recce

    what would it be like on my system?... Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.40 GHz 2.00 GB RAM Physical Address Extension I'm useless when it comes to hardware so that doesn't mean much to me, just what I got from the My Comp Prop.s
  21. greenk

    P-40 Recce

    wow, thanks for pointing that out, that looks amazing, any fps hit on your system?
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