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Torpedo Air Cargo

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Everything posted by Torpedo Air Cargo

  1. Came back late saturday with unfinished business The Turkish have the borders sealed for EU citizens. Karim stayed down there trying to organize a route via Jordan or Iraq, so I had to return for the time being. Anyways, this gave me time to bust out the debugger and give AH the ol' once-over. My theory that it shortens jobs arbitrarily was wrong, but I found the reason for the mysteriously shortening jobs and the result is cringe-worthy. I think it was QM, who noticed several weeks ago that the last column in the balance sheet doesn't update, if you change the sorting. Well, the orders
  2. It's all academic though as Karim and I are shipping out to Turkey tonight. We hope to make it past the Syrian-Turkish border to join the rebels i their fight to end this atrocious genocide and the bloodthirsty regime
  3. I'm not so sure how long I'll keep motivation up for a screw-job like this. Two days ago two of my employees failed one job each instantly nullifying 6 of my successful missions reputatipon-wise. Since they ended up where they should have, it wasn't a case of 'not unloading'. Today I ran a grueling 9h schedule to claw back the lost rep-points and suddenly 4 jobs of my employeees are late again. They were all assigned today at 0900, with not job being assigned if it didn't have 24hours left at least, so it is physically impossible for a job to be late for the next 16 hours, yet 4 of them are al
  4. Then you should try the two Shvetsov ASh-82T-7's on the Ilyushin IL-14. They sing a wonderful song
  5. I'm currently scouting the market for an old banger, too I'll probably go for an Ilyushin IL-14 or IL-18 though, because they got a tricycle gear. I'm an utter klutz with taildraggers
  6. You should try Milton Shupe's Spartan 7W executive once the dough comes in - it certainly fits the name and is one helluva funny plane to fly Good luck with your new adventure, Sir
  7. Another raucious celebration was had at the OLT camp today. With the flight from Magdeburg to Hohn Airforce Base the boss (that'd be me) completed his 50th delivery in the FedEx Feeder Beech 1900C D-CLOT. To celebrate the new milestone, Brunhilda decided to do a table dance. The splintered remains of the table were later buried with military honours. D-CLOT. the latest addition to the OLT fleet had arrived the day before together with the first two flying employees of the company - Mia and Laura. Laura is a very experienced driver whom you'd expect behind the wheel of a large jet, bu
  8. There was much rejoycing in the OLT camp today as the plucky little company celebrated another milestone. After finishing the 40th successfull mission, the Naked Greed Bank offered to launder ... erm ... lend us some monies. And after a refreshing infusion of Euro's, the turboprop era began. We plan to buy four of these babies, contracting each to one of the big players - DHL, FedEx, UPS and TNT. Running them in company colours was debated, but we decided against it as they carry only 1.000lbs more than the Joey. For orders in the 3.000lbs range, we'll continue to use the trusty old bird
  9. If applicable to your region, try setting the 'airport size' slider in the job generation options to bigger airports. That increases the chance of getting multiple jobs to the same airport and therefore more rep gains with less flights.
  10. This db corruption seems to become a pattern here. cost me my old company, too
  11. Oh, prosper it does, my friend After paying the 112K deposit for the Joey I was -6.000 in the bank. Brunhilda, god bless her ernormous heart, came up with a routing from heaven: 3 loads that I could fly in one go to Nuremburg, where I picked up a job back to Magdeburg. From Nuremburg I flew 30 nm north to Bayreuth, where another load for the home base was waiting and then I picked up a third load at Hof/Plauen just 19nm north of Bayreuth. In a five hour mission, I completed 6 jobs (+3 rep) and went from -6.000 to 27.000 in the bank. My banker has taken to sending me randy emails...
  12. Their are two freeware trislanders on the interwebs. One is from http://www.premaircraft.com'>Premiere Aircraft Design and one from http://www.m-r-software.de'>M.R. Software. The PAD design has the better flight dynamics, while the MR one has the real engine sounds, so I usually take the PAD and merge it with the engine sounds of the MR design
  13. My first endeavour Torpedo Air Cargo was running well until AH decided to generate 6 faults in 8 flights, costing me 30K nullifying almost 3 days of flying. On top of that my two freshly hired Artificial Stupidity pilots managed to wreck my hard earned reputation in just two nights, so I concluded that either my company was doomed or the db was corrupted, so with a heavy heart I decided to close shop before things would go out of hand even worse. But fear not, my friend. Daddy's son hasn't yet scratched the aviation itch, so I looked around for a way to start over. With 100K "salvaged" fro
  14. I wouldn't get too confused by it. I've checked it myself this morning and your observation is correct. The last item in the grid isn't properly updated. That's not exactly a badge of honour for the programmer, but thankfully it doesn't do any harm to the data itself. Basically, if you need the balance data, you'll have to use the one sorting that actually works. Not nice, but it sort of works.
  15. Try importing Milton shupe's Aero Commander AC500 Cargo. The thing hauls a lot of cargo and due to it's long range you never need a full tank unless you have a job that delivers to the moon. At 400K new and a 60K deposit for leasing it is a real bargain. Another must-have IMHO is Brian Gladden's Gippsland Airvan (although that works only in FS2004), It costs little more than a 182 but hauls a damn sight more crates Not to mention that both of them are great hand flyers. Another plane that is inexplicably overlooked is Milton Shupe's Dash 7. The thing hauls almost 4.000 lbs on a full tank and
  16. That's a rather emberassing massive cockup in the population routine of the grid, but as long as it is only a display problem, rather than wrecking your accounts for real it's probably ok
  17. Can you give us the nominal value of the inversed cash balance? is it something like 256, 32768 or 65536? In that case we would look at a signed integer overflow (and a lot of egg on Slopey's face).
  18. Could it be that you have a somewhat unreliable internet connection? At the start Airhauler tries to connect to the interwebs but it has rather woeful timeout handling. If the connection is slow, startup can take up to 5 to 10 minutes. To prevent that you could try to disconnect your internet connection before starting AH. you can re-connect afterwards. Keep in mind that AH wasn't programmed by someone, who had much of a clue what he was doing. IIRC Slopey's recollection of the events, it started out as a hobby project with not much attention paid to quality and that's what AH basically is
  19. An hour is is cutting it pretty close. They can lose as much time just loading and unloading (if they do that in the first place). Sometimes they wait 20 minutes for no apparent reason before they even start an assigned job. The only thing that in my experience is pretty reliable is the airborne time. Funnily that is the only thing where random delays would be plausible
  20. This whole 'AI being blithering idiots' occasionally has been discussed ad nauseam in the airhauler forums. Let's just say Slopey's attitude toward that is fairly firm and not one that any of my employees would confront me with and still have his job the next day. Basically the only thing you can do is keep in mind that they sometimes just land the plane and bugger off in the belief that the cargo unloads itself by osmosis. To counteract this I usually don't give jobs to AI that don't still have 12 hours+projected job time left. This way I sometimes lose lucrative jobs, but at least I can re
  21. The way your aircraft "hangs" to the right in the first shot, I'd hazard a guess that you've been a victim of airhauler's atrocious weight distribution. As a rule of thumb, you'll have to correct the weight distribution manually for every AH flight, because the program itself makes the worst possible job of it, routinely misbalancing your aircraft beyond reasonable limits, especially with bigger loads. I could post a tutorial to correct that if need be,
  22. Morning y'all, After lurking about for quite some time, it's time to participate a bit more actively A couple of days ago, I started my own AH company in career mode. Obviously "I'm gonna haul stuff with me bird whacker" is a viable business model in Germanyland, so with said bird whacker and a 100.000 monies of EU funding in the bank, I found myself looking through a list of airports to settle down at. My requirements were simple. It should be in East Germany, since, well, I was born there and it should cost no more than the 100K I got from the Brussels types, since I don'
  23. With those destructive tendencies of hers, Lauren would perhaps be better suited to land based machinery - preferably something with a wrecking ball hanging off it. Don't let her test it anywhere near your office though, unless you plan to relocate your base
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