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Everything posted by dodgy-alan

  1. I was using the BBcode option ever since I started using FSS, it works well. Have now set up an Imgur account as well for future posts.
  2. Same aircraft. Just the updated version.
  3. The earliest incarnation of the HS125 biz-jet, Originally named the Jet Dragon but the name was dropped when the aircraft went into production. Originally a De-Havilland project in 1962, by time production started DH was part of the Hawker Siddeley group. Thanks for viewing
  4. BAe-125-600, A development of the earlier HS-125, The 125 is one of the worlds most respected and capable business jets. Current models are produced by Beechcraft/Raytheon Thanks for viewing
  5. dodgy-alan


    Welcome aboard ladies and gents, glass of champers anyone? Netjets are a private rental company that offers executive jet transport but without the massive costs of ownership. Thank you for flying Netjets. https://www.netjets.com/en-gb/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA0vnQBRDmARIsAEL0M1mw2KplS3Yac6cdnxYqdoKS60WHM5ccJBePW4vslxrtX5_XEfUPOCAaAhFjEALw_wcB
  6. JFs fabulous Gloster Meteor F Mk8 Thanks fo viewing
  7. accidental purchase! (Happens frequently to me at model shows! )😀
  8. I have the same issue at times Martin, the thing freezes for no apparent reason. However only with certain aircraft. Sometimes this means that you have run out of memory however not always as have had it happen after the computer has just been cleaned and defragged. I too run W7 ultimate and have over 1TB of available memory so it's bloody infuriating when you've done a perfect flight, are on approach and the whole thing crashes! I also run traffic 360 but so far not noticed any loss of traffic. However my Military traffic pack has never worked from the day I installed it! I hope you find an a
  9. dodgy-alan


    Aeritalia/Fiat G91Y. The "Yankee" was a twin engined development of the earlier single engined versions. They served with the Regia Aeronautica until 1994.
  10. RAS (Replenishment at Sea, always a fun exercise in seamanship!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o44tZjjcnxI
  11. dodgy-alan

    Rotate MD

    Nicely caught, done crew transfers on many of those, we had to park behind the aircraft so that the crew could come down the back stairs and straight into the coach. The only thing was though is that that aircraft has a very thin wing and it is virtually at eye level with our driving position meaning that under certain lighting conditions it was difficult to see. More than a few of us had close squeaks with those wingtips. Thankfully none of us ever hit one.
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