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Everything posted by Maur1940

  1. Hi all, Done a Uninstall & reinstall of FSX all ok except when I select PMDG & Level D aircraft it crashes, oh well keep on trying. :-(
  2. This cleared the 1628 error but not the splash screen problem. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/games_windows_10/1628-failed-to-complete-installation-fsx-gold/d00f923b-f0da-4c40-ac7b-ce00f01eb7fe?rtAction=1451665034830
  3. Hi All, Please tell me how do I uninstall FSX, it's not in the Add & Remove section and I cant find it Microsoft Games/FSX folder, I tried to uninstall it by the disk but it wont let me. :-(
  4. Hi Joe, I tried the system Restore and found that only restore I have is 29/12/15 when looked at the settings it says I have only 1% of saving, I think is wrong so I up it 33% and hope I will have more next time. But it looks as I might have to uninstall FSX completely and reinstall it again as it still only goes as far as the splash screen and stops.
  5. Hi all, I tried the system Restore and found that only restore I have is 29/12015 when looked at the settings it says I have only 1% of saving, I think is wrong so I up it 33% and hope I will have more next time. But it looks as I might have to uninstall FSX competely and reinstall it again as it still only goes as far as the splash screen and stops.
  6. Hi all, I have been having problems with my FSX, it all started with a simular thing but with FSInn Copilot, which I uninstalled, then I only got the splash screen, I uninstalled FSX acceleration and reinstalled it, still only got splash screen then nothing, so I went to the uninstall screen and noticed I have 2 "Microsoft Flight Simulator SimConnect Client (v 10.0.62615.0 & 10.061259.0) is this normal or do I have to delete one.
  7. Sorry Joe, it dont work on Windows 10,
  8. Hi Joe, Thanks for the welcome, my operating system is windows10 and the FSX deluxe edition, it all started on the 24/12/15 when all I got was just the splash screen and then it stopped responding after about 10 minutes, I tried and removed the "Logbook.bin" still no joy I even deleted the FSX.config from "C// users/ name/ app/ micrsoft/ fsx" but to no joy, I am stumped.
  9. Help I cant reinstall FSX, all I get is :- "1628 Failed to complete installation"
  10. Maur1940

    Flight Plans

    It is the pilots job to select loads within his fuel capacity really.....
  11. Maur1940

    Flight Plans

    Thanks John, That's all I wanted to know, thanks for your quick response..... Maurice.... :smile:
  12. Maur1940

    Flight Plans

    Hi all, I am still using CP, but I would like to knoww how do you enter a flight plan in there, or do you have to except the direct route they enter for you,
  13. It's animal cruelty, ruddy disgusting...... keep it going it will upset them PC's.....
  14. Harry (American): What a drive, huh? Everything on the wrong side of the road ... couldn't find the freeway had to take a little backstreet called the M5. I think they got it wrong, it should have been the M25, there is a lot of vehicles parked here......
  15. Hi all, I am Maurice, retired trucker (UK), love computer flying, hoping to settle here.... Maurice.....
  16. I have had that problem from the start and took that as normal, mind you I dont get a table FPS on any of my aircraft..... :biggrin:
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