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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Onward79

  1. Hmmm....just found 'FS Open' that has a brief list.
  2. As I am now getting into enjoying ILS approaches, is there a list of UK airports that shows their ILS frequncies? Merci.
  3. Swift reply and right on the button. Who deserves a New Years Honour mention?
  4. As a newbie, I should like to be able to copy the FSX Lesson scripts onto my iPad 3 and read them at leisure. This way I might be able to absorb their content more effectively and thus counteract my enthusiasm for getting into each challenge. Thanks, folks.
  5. Many thanks for your swift replies, chaps. I'm still pondering about Steam as Froogle has suggested that this initial stage might be just that, with a more reworked and expensive version in the near future. All shall be revealed. Meanwhile it's very reassuring to find a site that is clearly very much alive and kicking. I look forward to be here frequently. Onward and upward.
  6. I'm working my way through the Missions and Lessons within FSX and the Acceleration Pack. If I were to install FSX Steam would they still be available AND as I do have boxed versions of the DCS A-10 and the Black Shark, if I download DCS via Steam can I then install those two aircraft from my boxed versions?
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