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Everything posted by Aidan

  1. Nice Review Edward, would of liked some feedback on the FPS though.
  2. It will be, I hope we can go staright to YCBS to YMML, then move on to NZ etc
  3. It actually was! I was doing 3W5-WA56 and was focused in the VC, so pressed F11 and look up to the sky and was like, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! and noticed it was a C172
  4. Fantastic Shots, love them all! Soya - You have a PM.
  5. Lol, you guys are crazy. Its 18C here right now in OZ, but heatiung up now, yay! When will the next AWTC begin?
  6. Aidan

    two engines

    Very Nice Shots, what developer made this?
  7. Fantastic Shot Mate! Whos P38 ( i think it is ) is that??
  8. Eek, model looks great, VC... not so much.
  9. Wow Nice Shots & Paints! I did a review of this over at AVSIM: http://www.avsim.com/pages/0710/Vertigo2/P36.htm
  10. Happy Birthday Mate!
  11. 1 for Friday, there will be one every day of the weekend
  12. The RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) has been helping out the local Indonesian Community just north of Darwin. Supplies have been shipped around Indonesia to help support. Captain Aidan Sandri is captain of this leg to Bima before returning home to Sydney, Australia. He has 2040 (not really) hours in the C-130, and is the most experienced C-130 captain in the RAAF. Depature was early in the morning to avoid beggers coming in and annoying the captain. Ready for Pushback: Taxing: Positive Rate: Bad Weather on Climb Out: Beautiful Sunrise, this is what I like Cruise: Dec
  13. Was hoping I didn't get replaced for this leg, I am commencing it now. Expect it in the coming hours.
  14. Isn't the A400M the biggest plane in the world??
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