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Everything posted by charlie

  1. Thanks guys, the zipped file is 140MB, and the biggest of the individual files weighs in at 40MB. I'm working on it!
  2. Hi all, Nice repaints coming along. I had a go at the Kodiak some time ago, and I couldn't get rid of the shine. My solution was to cheat and do a bare metal. I also found there was a layer missing in the paint kit and not all the dirt was there so I added it. I may be able to dig it out if anyone wants it. Dark grey gives:
  3. Followed the Connecticut north from Keene, headed into the White Mountains and touched down at Eastern Slopes. Even better, managed to stop taking screenshots of the traffic loading window. Downwind.
  4. Thanks Kieran, 2nd flight complete and I know which I now prefer!
  5. Lovely shots, I'd be interested to see the Barra scenery. I did a couple of flights out from it last year and the default runway ran through a couple of hills. Keep posting!
  6. Nice job, once you get started, it's quite addictive.
  7. Thanks guys, I'm just about finished now and will be logging some hours over the Summer. So far managed one over Vancouver Island, never managed to hit the centre line in FSX in 3 years, guess you get used to 2D cockpits and I was over the moon earlier. Really missed some of the planes...
  8. Forgot what I was missing.
  9. Three from the archives: Vancouver Island Virtual: Air Monadnock FS9 Alaska
  10. Must be a bit busy at the moment, I've just got text. Will try again tomorrow.
  11. Great shots! Realistic tones.
  12. You have a great talent there Stefan. Very well done on all counts!
  13. Westland Wyverns on patrol, now in the right place!
  14. Some of this months flights, and a batch after updating some of my FS2004 addons to FSX.
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