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Everything posted by charlie

  1. Summer evening in the Grand Canyon. There's probably a law against this. Feel better now...
  2. It's a great set of shots Sabre!
  3. Thanks all, glad you like them. Would have posted earlier but I attempted installing replacement contrails. For a while all my props spewed smoke, including this one! It's the FSD International version Jim, some of their models aren't bad at all and the cockpit's great for an old model. A good range of supporting PDF's makes it a really immersive experience. Thanks again.
  4. Ted pushed me over the edge, and I'm impressed. It may not be up to Carenado standards, but it's a great plane and a real joy to fly. Thanks Ted. Heavy pollution over York... Clearer days over Vancouver Island... Out of Telegraph Creek...
  5. My folder reads 5.1G. Got to be a must have as it has such a major impact on so many areas.
  6. Looks like settings for a torpedo...
  7. Nice job Sabre! Certainly looks cold.
  8. Looking good so far, good luck everyone...
  9. Thanks a lot Ted!!! Is "He made me do it" still acceptable as a defence??? :D
  10. Nice shots Ted, I wish people would stop posting shots of the Skymaster. FSD has been pulling me for some time, got a sale on at the moment. Must.....be.......strong.....
  11. Great shots, love the ground shots, they're fantastic. Well done!
  12. Where's the high score table? Can I upgrade my planes and add weapons? Sorry, couldn't help myself. Nice to know I won't need a new computer now.
  13. Nice job Joe, certainly looks a light aircraft.
  14. Looks like a rough day. Great shots!
  15. Great job Sabre,sure looks cold.
  16. Fantastic set of shots Graham, well done!
  17. Quick repaint, still some work to do...
  18. charlie


    Got to agree Mikael...the VC leaves a bit to be desired, but the 2D more than makes up for it. I'm glad to say that for those aircraft with only the VC, it is much better from my experience
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