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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Great video there Dai - looked quite busy at some points! @Jess - what were you flying in IL-2?
  2. Diesel and electrics for me my friends! Having said that, I am going to York to see all 6 A4's at the same time - should be nice! Anyway - your turn Andrew!
  3. OK - I give up! Correct yet again Andrew!
  4. If that was a guess Andrew, I'd hate to see something you really know!! Yep, Northrop-Grumman X-47B on the USS George H. W. Bush. Perfect. But, who can tell me what carrier-based drones were used in the Korean War?
  5. Here's the next one. Shouldn't be too hard:
  6. Cunliffe-Owen Concordia It had been nibbling away at me since you posted it Alan, but Andrew's post gave me the correct answer
  7. Superb shots there James!
  8. Beautiful shot Noddy!
  9. Superb shots there Misha! And nice scenery too!
  10. They are bomb bays March. A very unusual aircraft - well built Alan!
  11. Superb model there Alan - really must get one one day!
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