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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Now I've just got to wait and see when the Just Trains site goes over 'to the new side'
  2. I think I'll have two perfect aircraft.........
  3. Nice shots Jankees!
  4. Nope, both are wrong John Two wing settings..........
  5. And I bet the 172 pilot is saying, 'What's that breathing down my neck? A PC-6?'
  6. That looks like a Traffic model? I think these will work OK, but not completely in FSX - http://www.dmflightsim.co.uk/default.htm
  7. Rob only has FSX Accel, and I think it can run on SP2 (it's just that he can't be sure - it might use one gauge (as does one or two of his other works))
  8. Never thought about that Dai - maybe I'll finally migrate to FSX for next year's MEBAR!
  9. Nope, wrong side of the Atlantic - but it does have two engines and is fast
  10. Hi all! Here's the latest creation from Rob Richardson, the Airspeed Ambassador - http://www.robertjamesrichardson.co.uk/index.html I think it uses default sounds, but the correct engine sounds are in the BritSim library Kieran
  11. You could see the amount of small arms fire in the cockpit side - amazing!
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