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Hi from a new cargo pilot

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Just to briefly introduce myself. as I just joined these forums yesterday.

I am 62, live in the South West of France and have been flying sims for the last 35 years. I had stopped for some years to fly FS as I was more in military sims (mainly Falcon 4.0). I am still practicing, but now with slower airplanes as I am in a squadron flying early planes in Rise of Flight, online multiplayer of course. I also fly Condor soaring regularly.

As I recently built a new PC, I wanted to get back to FSX, but my problem had always been "what to do ?". A little research led me to Air Hauler and the word "cargo" talked to my past 20 years as international logistics manager.

So I reinstalled the lot (FSX + UTX + GEX + FEX + Ultimate Traffic2 + FS Commander + a few freeware sceneries and planes) and started a "medium" career based in France to get the feeling. After a couple of weeks, I felt the urge of "Bush pilot" flying and started a second company (career mode) in Prince Rupert, Canada (as I fly real PC time and real weather, I can fly by day when it's evening at home...). Now that the snow starts coming, I felt I also needed some sun and opened also a company (career mode) in the french West Indies, based in Marie Galante. This way I can fly there during the winter, should my other planes be grounded by bad weather.

For those interested, I also started a blog about all these adventures called "The Chronicles of an ordinary pilot" at the address in my signature, in french and english languages. Everyone is welcome at the virtual bar !

Air Hauler just had me going through the hard work of reinstalling everything !

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Thks for your welcome messages, guys !


Teaser for yesterday's story on my blog :


"End of evening here, the forecast for western Canada shows a little better before a few days of bad weather. And what about trying to extract the Cessna from the rats hole in the mountains? If it doesn't work, I can always land back there again."





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Thks for your kind msg and for dropping by at my blog...  My plans are not to develop a "World Company" as I am more a bush pilot and don't fly heavy metal. Think my biggest aims are DC3s and Twin Otter for Canada. I like floatplanes also and bought the all around 185 Skywagon from Carenado. Don't plan on hiring an army of pilots either, just want to have 2 or 3 small profitable businesses in parts of the world where I would dream to fly in real. If there is a next one, it will probably fly from Punta Arenas in Patagonia. But let's get the first ones on the way...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've already left with 618 lbs of shrimps to CYPR. Not much weight left for fuel, I am making a pit stop in Bella Bella from where I will fly the 155 nm to Prince Rupert tomorrow morning. I have 17 hours left for delivery !


Edit : just had a nice VFR flight in the fjords from Bella Coola to Bella Bella, weather calm and clear ! When I get rich I will also get me a Twotter...

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@Geoff- :D Even Santa needs some time off before the big trip. :whis:


@Loic-It was such a nice day I took the day off and went for a spin in the C185. Guess where?....Bella Bella of course. I agree it was a beautiful day for a spin around the Denny-Cambell Island area. I'll buy you dinner my pirate friend, that is if ya promise not to park to close to my rig with your shrimp basket. :D Meet ya in the bar & grill.



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Nice blog you got going Loic.

I see the usual suspects for prop lovers are all catered for: AH, Il2 and ROF - add Falcon 4 (less and less) and DCS World (A-10 and Black Shark mostly - some fighter time in FC3) and you have the most important parts of my sim collection.

Good luck with the company.

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Thks Kasper ! I've been a few years squadron leader in Falcon 4.0 but lately I got tired of pushing buttons and started to appreciate dogfights close and personal. I am also looking forward to Wings Over Flanders Fields which will be released this December, I'm in love with the old WW1 crates.


@Brett : sorry we didn't choose the same field at Bella Bella, looks like you are at CJ2 ? or is it an Orbx scenery ? Anyway I successfully flew back to Prince Rupert this morning (was kind of time for the shrimps...) with the now usual landing in the fog. Everytime it feels good to know there is an ILS there !



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  • 3 weeks later...

Back to business in the skies of France..

"We left the Cessna Grand Caravan in Romorantin (LFYR) for a few days. As I return to pick it up, a phone call from office tells me there are 420lbs of clothing to load in Briare (LFEI) and carry back in Rennes (LFRN)."


Report on http://cors-air.over-blog.com



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  • 2 weeks later...

After the end of year celebrations, it is back to business on the canadian west coast !  A load of cosmetics from Prince Rupert to Bella Bella for 4966 $. Not really an exciting flight, but it will help paying the bills and the winter landscape looks good.



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  • 2 weeks later...

" Due to my working timetable, we had to leave the Cessna a few days in Bella Bella (CYJQ). As I come back to pick it up, the office has booked for me a load of 410lbs of mail to take back to Prince Rupert (CYPR), which will insure a 3690$ payment. It is 13:30 on this 17th of January, and weather forecast is excellent."





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"Office calls me to carry a load of CDs/DVDs (1870lbs) to Le Blanc (LFEL) near the Brenne Natural Park, 144nm away. The Cessna Grand Caravan is ready on the parking in Rennes St Jacques (LFRN), with enough fuel to fly 6 hours. A flight plan has been filed for an IFR flight at 6000ft, and the weather forecast is good, although temperature is a bit cold."





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Finally earned enough money and reputation to sell the 172 and lease a more versatile Cessna 185F Skywagon (Amphibian). Also holds a lot more cargo, I can start visiting islands and small coves on the Alaskan coast... but it's still bloody cold !



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