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does anyone use this product I have done a search on the forums and cannot find any mention of it.

It seems a bit bizrre how they charge each airport, is it good value for money?

Are there any bad side effects of using it?

Many thanks

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Hi Nigel, :bye:


I did not like the idea of the charging for zoned area's so I went with FSDT GSX a far superior product as far as I am concerned.


It is also live updated when something new comes out in the community, like the PMDG 777 was added to GSX  within days of the release.


It also updates even rival airports.  The graphics for the vehicles are I think far superior with GSX.  Guess you can say I likey very much.. 


If you like to watch the complete ground operations as you program the FMC and your checks then you will love this.


Watch this:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxneKG2lj9Q


You are in control of all the requesting and opening all doors, if you don't GSX will prompt you with a bleep and message.


Also the graphics change to suit each airport/airline, you just have to use your imagination of the people on the bus.. :D  :D



Take a look at this:



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Hi Nigel,

I have been using it for ages and like it. I have no experience with GSX so I can't comment on that.

If it is worth the money is of course a highly personal choice. But since both AES and GSX can be tried for free I would try both.

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GSX works at ALL airports apparently. I have used both demo's and decided not to buy either :) AES is good but does not have the neat little man loading bags (this looks good imo) but GSX for me lagged when the vehicles were driving (does not happen to anyone else apparently)


So if it wasn't for the laggy vehicles I would have bought GSX by now - if I was you download both demo versions and give them a go :)


They look nice but worth the price? Not sure - once you have seen it a couple of times would you get bored and not use it again? I think for my £30 I would rather buy some new scenery and explore a little.


Good luck


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They look nice but worth the price? Not sure - once you have seen it a couple of times would you get bored and not use it again? I think for my £30 I would rather buy some new scenery and explore a little.


Good luck



a valid point, how often does one sit their looking at whats going on outside , much like a reggie spotter,


I will download the demos as you all suggested and see if one or the other floats my boat


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I have AES, its ok but will only work with Areosoft airports and a few others.


The way it works id that you buy an bunch of credits and then can activate it on compatible products that you have. The more complex the scenery the more credits you use up. I seem to recall buying in batches of credits that would activate between 2 and 4 airports depending on the bill for the airport.  I always seemed to have a credit left over which was hard to spend on its own, but I guess that is a marketing ploy to get you to buy more.


It is a while since I used it, as it is great for heavies and I don't fly them much

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bugger.gifDouble post!  Weird, I said I didn't have permission to post in this forum and then it did it twice!!


its the old story, you buy a cheap BBS and what do you get? its down to our skinflint boss, try using the search function its like looking around in a barn with a lit match.


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its the old story, you buy a cheap BBS and what do you get? its down to our skinflint boss, try using the search function its like looking around in a barn with a lit match.


Well thanks FritBog, this forum software has cost me over $650 so far in purchasing and licensing costs over the past 3 years, it certainly ain't cheap in my books, it may be in yours but my day job pays for this site and I have to forsake other pleasures just for you to be able to chuck it back in my face?


Nigel, if you have to resort to cheap jibes of this kind, and not for the first time, then I would prefer you left the forum or change your attitude.



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Bit below the belt that Nige... :( If you are paying for a commercial service you can say what you feel is necessary, if not I think it's a bit cheap. Perhaps you would care to donate a few ££ to the hangar if you feel it needs it? (Yes, I have, and I am in no position to retire to the south of France)

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@ britfrog-Way out of line Nigel, I hope you were kidding. If so, try throwing a smiley face in at the end of a statement like this. This is one of the nicer sites available from what I have seen and is not easy to run without lots of time consuming work on the webmasters part. Shame on you or haha, your choice. :fool:   


@John- Sorry for the kink, it happens. :sorry:

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bugger.gifDouble post!  Weird, I said I didn't have permission to post in this forum and then it did it twice!!


its the old story, you buy a cheap BBS and what do you get? its down to our skinflint boss, try using the search function its like looking around in a barn with a lit match.




Strange, whenever I have used the 'Search' function, it has always found exactly what I was looking for.  Oh well, as they say, 'A bad workman always blames his tools.', and that wouldn't be the first time either. Ho Hum!!!


Oh, and another small lesson in life -  you were given two eyes, two ears and only one mouth for a very good reason, and that is to look and to listen twice as much as you speak.  If only!!!

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@ Nigel - Maybe it's escaped your notice so let me point out to you that, unlike most flight sim sites, this one is ad-free. No banners or side panels flashing in your face or doing all the annoying things that web ads do. Why? Because our skinflint boss chooses to eschew the revenue he could generate by allowing ads on his site. He does that so that his members don't have to put up with them here.


Mutley pays for every dime the operation of this site costs, including the software licensing and the web hosting for virtually every word and every image that's ever been posted here. He takes donations but gets precious few. He also puts in a hell of a lot of hours managing, maintaining and massaging the site and it's contents.


Next time, maybe you'll think a little before pressing the "Post" button with such sentiments. Whether you like it here or not, many of us do. We'd appreciate it if you'd make an effort to not defecate on the floors - it may make you feel good but most of the rest of us don't like it much.



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John, get off your high horse it was said in jest and i am sure Joe knows that.


Hmmm, based on what I have read - actually read, that is - it would suggest the complete opposite.  This response is not surprising though.

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That 'joke' was so funny Nigel - not bad for free aye!

@Joe - you do a great job and the forum has always met my needs. Keep up the good work!!

Oh and Nigel - have you donated this month? Or ever? Put up or shut up!

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BF, I think it's obvious now that even if it was meant in jest, the impersonal nature of forum communication and the lack of smileys in your post meant that it was absolutely capable of being misinterpreted as something altogether more sinister. From all our replies, it rather does look as though that has actually been the case, regardless of your initial intent, don't you think?

Just an apology would do, for the offence apparently caused to us all, rather than squaring up and mounting your own ever so slightly higher horse.

As I don't actually have a terribly large interest in equine related matters at all myself, I am going to make my wife breakfast :P Good morning! K

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Come on Chaps (and Chapesses) - aren't we being a little sensitive about what is obviously, to me, at least, a throw-away line?

Nigel's animated Avatar says it all - "Attempting to give a damn ... ... ... Stopping. ... Failed."

And Brett sensed a degree of levity in Nigel's comment about our forum's software - phrases like "skinflint boss" and "searching a barn with a lit match" are hardly serious, are they? For sure, if you want to make serious criticisms, you don't use "jokey" language, do you?

O.K. - I can understand Joe getting upset - no-one likes to be told that their site is below par, especially in respect of the effort he has put ino it, this last several years. But I don't believe it was Nigel's intent to be anything but flippant.

Now, can we all go back to enjoying our wonderful Forum, please? It stands out as the most friendly simming site around - and we all know eachother very well - so let's bury the hatchet - preferably not in my head nor Nigel's! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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