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Leg 101: Zaragoza (LEZG) to Nice (LFMN)

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Well the C-130 Martyn flew into Zaragoza I was told will take a week to fix. Knowing I couldn't wait that long, I went to inquire about a Air France 707 I saw in a hangar while I was waiting for my flight. I spoke to a mechanic there, Hector, his name was, and explained to him my problem and about the passing of the baton. I showed him the baton and told him I had to be in Nice right away. He seemed disinterested and refused to let me fly the 707. He told me it has been here since 1984, the same year he started work here. It flew in from Paris and made an emergency landing here on its way to Lisbon. Air France was supposed to send a crew to pick up the plane after Hector repaired it, but it was forgotten and Hector has cared for it since then. Reluctantly, he agreed to let me fly as long as he comes with me to make sure I don't harm the aircraft.

This is us in the cockpit doing the pre-flight checks


We delayed takeoff while Hector called his family to come along for the ride. They had never flown before. So while we waited I did another walk aorund.


With everyone aboard (14 family members in all) we closed up and prepared for pushback.


Waiting for clearance


And off we go. She is light so we climb pretty quickly




My view of the old instrument panel as the morning sun rises


A beautiful day to fly


There's Hector, telling me his entire life story as we reach FL250, and asking about the ATWC


This is the view from where Hector's niece Angelina was sitting


Over Barcelona


Just past the Spanish coast


The French coast



Base leg to our destination


Approach, fighting a heavy crosswind



Managed to touchdown ok but...


We started to skid as I applied the reversers


Got her under control


Turnoff to parking


Following atc instructions to gate


And we are here


As Hectors family deboards, Hector and I say our goodbyes. He plans to part with his beloved plane here in Nice and let Air France decommision her. He gives her one final look with a tear in his eye as I head out to turn the baton over to Mutley.


Hope you enjoyed this. As always, comments are welcomed and appreciated.

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Bravo! just how we like them, welcome to the ATWC :cool:

A cracking post, love the shots and the commentary, thank Hector for me, even for that dodgy landing!

I'm over in Monaco at the moment, I've only just had word you were in town, so I will make my way over.


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Thanks for that, Frank (?) - excellent leg - great shots and an innovative commentary (I think we have another story-teller, John!) Loved the A/C (my favourite) and the landing was spectacular - one for the record books!

Welcome to the ATWC - a flying (sorry) start.....

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Thank you guys for the awesome comments and the welcome to 'The Hangar"! Unfortunately, the bird is the CaptainSim 707 not Just flights...sorry. Really enjoyed doing this. Cant' wait for the next challenge! :!: :!:


(that is my name..Nicholas is my son) :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Some lovely shots in that post, nicholas. I particularly liked the sea on the approach shot. Well done, looking forward to seeing more from you! :thum:

Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent!

Best Regards,

George : Tap

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