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Lochs, glens and mountains - ES NW photoscenery

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Well Dai,I thoroughly enjoyed it, loved the music from the two Jimmy's!

I was getting a bit worried at how close you were getting to the ridges but you did look in control.
Superb detail in the scenery, I know you are reviewing it but this was a great insight.


Cheers ... Joe

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Hi again Dai,


Yes thank you so much for the link it did work.


Well what can I say, the ES scenery is pretty dam good and I can see why you bought it. I have had a quick look at their web site and they do offer a load of free stuff mainly airports. I noticed EGFE Haverfordwest in there which I know very well.


The only question is Dai whats a Welshman doing flying a helicopter in Scotland? :D


What about some flights over Wales using ES scenery?


Cheers, Michael.

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very nice David, thx for sharing

you could prob benefit from the following tweak

as it better suits sower flight over PR

the faster you fly, the higher numbers you want with this tweak

for slower flights; this allows for faster PR rendering and closer refresh cycles

pointless with a fast flight; but perfect for a heli type flight


FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.10 // 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.33 1.0 2.0

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@ Michael - for sure, Horizon plus Treescapes is good for Wales, but not a patch on this new Earth Simulations product. I really can't wait for Darren and Vikki to do the same for my part of the world. By the way, how do you know EGFE? We lived just 5 miles west, at Druidston, before moving to mid Wales...

@ Chris - thanks for the advice, I'll try it out. The video was captured with FRAPS set at 30 fps, which went through the edior (WLMM, as WMM 6 wouldn't handle it, for some reason) and upload to Vimeo quite well - no stutters like my last video. I'm using the borrowed Chillblast Tiger Moth (i7 plus 860M) right now - I've kept it for a period to do this ES NW Scotland review. So far, with sliders maxed, the sim is quite smooth if you're not much over 120 knots. I'm well impressed - with the scenery and Chillblast's tiny laptop.

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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Hi Dai,


I know EGFE very well, I was born there, I remember as a child watching the gliders being towed up with an old Jaguar 2.4 car.


Lets hope Earth Simulations do make more scenery to include Wales.


Cheers, Michael.

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Now that Scotland has voted to remain part of the living world cant we insist that they change the names of their mountains etc to something that is recogniseable and pronounceable in their national language ie. English

all joking aside i love the scenery there Dai , just feel saddened that it appeals to so few as far as sales for ES are concerned

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Foot-tapping tunes, mountain views and an ace heli pilot, loved it. :thum:

+1 your heli pilot skills way exceed mine! Even though the size of the ES NW scotland scenery is less than one of the horizon volumes there's still a huge area covered and I havent really even scratched the surface of it all...your cid shoes theres still souch more to see :) K

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Chris, the offending house is ES 6.1 AGN and appears at Autogen density = Dense. It's removal will require editing of the ES AGN files, I think - that, or an exclusion placed with InstantScenery or similar...

Some other conflicts with ScotFlight, too, but none too serious unless you're deeply into your BR rolling stock!

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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