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I am trying to find out if this works with the following, I am currently doing most of my AH flights in A2A C172, set on short flights with light cargo, not getting long lengths of air time. I have FTX GLOBAL, VECTOR, OPEN LC EUROPE & HD TREES, I am just not sure if EU-ENGLAND works with this, its still on sale offer at the moment.


I also use REX 4 W/OVERDRIVE  & ASN all with Steves DX10 fixer....


Thanks for any advice.....



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FTX: EU England will work perfectly with this and not upset any of your AH flying.  I have been using the Orbx FTX regions for years with all my AH flying.


As 'needles' has just jumped in ahead of me, and as he specifically points out, if you are doing your flying in a specific region, such as FTX: EU England, you need to ensure you have that region selected in the FTX Central application.  You can still fly within the region without selecting it in the FTX Central application but you won't get the maximum benefit of the region scenery.


My advice, if you are thinking about it, buy FTX: EU England whilst it's still on sale.




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Thanks for the info....bought this but issues downloading.....I will try again later... my internet seems to be crashing regularly at around 1600hrs... guess to many users...thanks


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Just one thought. 

ORBX England is a lot harder on FPS around the London area than the global/vector/OpenLC package. So you have to adjust the sliders to that when flying there.  I actually find it to be to much and would have prefered a "lighter" London area. That way, the whole region would have been in a better balance.

Dont add  any airport scenery in the London area if you use FTX England.

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right guys, thanks for the advice, got this along with REX Softclouds, loverly, looks good, I tried 2 short flights, one in FSXSE and 1 in P3D.. only short hops around the west country but it looked fantastic....need to make more time now so I can fly more, need less work and more play... trouble is that wont pay the bills...


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As an added tidbit of information. If you happen to fly flights that extends outside the coverage of FTX England, such as into Wales or Scotland, you can also set the FTX region to "Global" an make sure it's in "Hybrid mode". That way you minimize the risk of running in to strange things when outside the FTX England area.


And as Anders pointed out, London is a real resource hog when flying with FTX England, I run into endless OOM-crashes unless I drag the sliders way down. Strangely I found that lowering the water details a notch got rid of them completely..

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Took a day off today, its not really window cleaning weather so that is postponed until tomorrow. Just flew from Marham to Gatwick, nightmare wind and rain, great landing though in A2A C172. Noticed a very busy Gatwick but fps only down to 15 and still smooth so all good, thanks for the tip regarding going out of area, I also have PNW so I am guessing if I want to fly there I would need to change things in FTX Central.


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Yes.  As I previously indicated, to get the maximum benefit out of any regional scenery, you have to have the respective region selected in FTX Central.  In this case, for PNW, you need to have North America selected.


If you have a different region selected than the one you are flying in (with the exception of the Global region), you will experience landclass texture anomalies.




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And as Anders pointed out, London is a real resource hog when flying with FTX England, I run into endless OOM-crashes unless I drag the sliders way down. Strangely I found that lowering the water details a notch got rid of them completely..


Further to Micke's post above, experiences with OOM crashes will vary widely based on your individual machine specs, the scenery slider settings you set, and the length of the flight you are undertaking.


The Orbx manuals cover this generally with reference to a range of machine specs and they suggest you experiment to find the optimum settings for your specific setup.  The autogen density setting is critical and the scenery complexity setting can also have an impact.  Like Micke, I found setting the water quality settings to a mid range produces good results.  People have varying opinions on locking your frame rates, but I have found the general consensus of locking them at 30 fps to also provide benefits.


Your computer spec seems reasonable for FSX and should provide you sufficient flexibility to experiment and find the optimum settings.




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Since you are in AH, IF you get OOM warnings while on approach to a busy area like London or San Francisco, it is very easy to save your flight in AH via the Options tab...lets you save EVERYTHING including fuel, payload, weather, etc...and closes Airhauler. Just restart AH again and open up that company and it will ask if you wish to resume previously saved flight, VIOLA, right back where you saved...and often enough "fresh cpu time" to get the landing done.




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Thanks Andrew & Matt, I have my fps locked at 30, I do tend to be more concerned with making it smooth as opposed to the numbers but was interested this morning what with the weather, the Ai and the new ORBX and REX clouds....15 is fine as long as its not jerky.....


Was aware of AH save but have not had a need for in all the years I have been using it.......



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You may have already considered this but....

If you are suffering from OOMs, have you tried using Steve's DX10 Fixer?

See this thread for more information: http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/16448-my-all-new-look-fsx/

And there's also http://www.mutleyshangar.com/reviews/bc/dx10/dx10.htm of course.



a.k.a. Brian747

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Thanks Bruce, fortunately I have not had any OOM's, I have bought Steves DX10 Fixer the other week I did post a few times in the thread that you highlighted, I also read the review and the manual and I am very happy with how my sim looks and works now.


My next thing is I want to get a small screen that I can have a GPS on permanantly, looking for a small monitor to plug into my PC, then not sure whether to go GTN or XP, but thats for another thread I suspect...


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Hi Wain 


I have two small screens in my rig.  they are very cheap and can be purchased on E-bay.  For example:




All you need to connect up is the power to the red plug - you will have to buy your own Power supply and the VGA its self.


Make sure that the screen you go for has a VGA connection as many don't.




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Got the monitor JG thanks for the pointer...got one from amazon then realised I needed a dvi-d to vga lead... bought adapter and been trying it today.. open gps undock and drag to other screen also good for Johns charts...cheap too less than 35 quid and ready to go...


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