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Screen Shot Competition Judging

SSC Judging  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Which type of judging do you prefer?

    • Liked by viewers (current set up)
    • Judged by forum admin at end of contest
    • No preference

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As promised to Dodgy Alan, here is a poll to see which type of judging do you prefer?


There are 3 options:

  1. Liked by viewers (current set up)
  2. Judged by forum admin at end of contest
  3. No preference

Feel free to leave a comment too.

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Personally, I would rather not know how i was doing until results time.

  1. It makes it more exciting even if your screen shot is pants.
  2. it gives late entries a chance
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Hi, how about a combination of both? Out of all the entries, the admins pick 10 or any number, and then we begin voting from those. This way as J G said, late entries have a chance. We can also do a "reverse" of this where we pick the top 10 and the admins choose the winner?


This would allow both the admins and us users to participate in the final decision, and we would all agree with the final decision!  :D

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I think it is a good suggestion but would take too long after the end of the month due to the frequency of some member sign on taking away from the next months competition. Just a personal observation and not that of MH. :)

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Maybe this?:

Nobody votes throughout the competition but we all can post images and participate. The contests ends 1 day earlier so the site staff can pick the final five. Then the final five are revealed at the last day when the contest is over. The next contest begins the next month (just like how it currently is). But along with the new contest, a voting also begins for the previous month. We are given a reasonable time (maybe 5 days?) to vote for the winner. 


My own words are starting to confuse me so I'll give an example  :D


June 1: New contest begins.

June 30: Contest is closed and 5 semi-finalists are revealed.

July 1: New contest is started; voting for previous month begins.

July 5: Voting ends, winner is awarded.


And this is same for the other months. This way both site staff and members get to participate in the final say, and most would (hopefully) agree on the winner.  

This is just an idea, and if you happen to like this idea, you can change it up in any way to make it better or less complicated if it is. 

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I still think there is a problem with this:


Method 1 - Allow voting and the top 5 go to admin to pick a winner -  This still favours the early entries.

Method 2 - Have the Admin choose 5 and members vote for the best of these. - This limits the voting time and therefore may exclude some member who wish to vote but cant log in during that short time.


I still think Admin choice it the best an only fair way.


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20 votes cast: 

Judged by Viewers = 8

Admin = 12 


Thanks everyone for your feedback, I really appreciate it.
So by popular vote, from July 2015 onward we will revert back to straight forward Admin choice as it was originally. A complex admin/member system isn't really doable for me as I have many other month end forum tasks to do as well. 
I will remove the "Like" button. The "Like" button is a modification of the board's reputation system and shows everywhere in the forum, this will disable it and members will still be able to thank the thread creator.
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i think its unfair to put the responsibility on the admin to pick a winner, community votes should do right by the pics posted


Thanks Chris, sort of why I changed it to the public vote, now the pubic have voted and it is a closed vote again :huh: 


I will have to wheel out Mrs Mutley again to choose the winner as she no interest in aviation whatsoever but knows a good shot when she sees one  :D

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With the red name there cometh a weight of responsibility.

i agree, but i don’t think this is one of them,

for someone who just joined our community this would look like the competition would favor older known users;

i strongly feel this put allot of stress on the Admins having to make a selection; they have other responsibilities to worry about,

being politically correct in selecting a winner is not exactly a competition; you might as well call favorite picture of the month instead :th_blush:

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I feel what MyPC8MyBrain mentioned is very true. In my opinion, the admin should not be the one that should decide on the winner. If we all vote, the winner would always be agreed upon (since it had most votes), but putting the responsibility on the hands of only one person will mean that he/she will choose one based on only his or her opinion. The outcome may or may not be agreed on at all times by others.

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If I may add a few comments(like I could stop myself ^_^).
One day I won the screenshot competition and I was surprised and asked Joe, with so many beautiful and colorful screenshots posted why did my default FSX entry win. He said him and wife thought my image captured the requirements of that months theme, which was the most important and it was also great capture. I told him to thank the misses for me, she has good taste.


Not the exact words but you get the idea. :D
Some time later I said to him, I don't want to question your ethics but do you think members might think it unfair if a moderator won but they didn't think it should have, that they might think the competition was unfairly judged. He said, let me think about it.
Some time after that when Joe was working to improve the forum structure, something he does all the time to improve our viewing pleasure and which is very time consuming but also a labor of love, lo and behold the "Like" button was added and member voting enacted. I would say that there is a man who tries his best to do try new things and see how we like them.
Then after a few+ competitions go by members ask to go back to the old way of judging. So Joe puts up a poll and the votes are tallied. Very democratic and not something you see on many forums.
Now I live in a private community(no I'm not rich :D) that is governed by a board made of and voted in by, all the residents. I did something out of the norm for me and joined the board and eventually ended up as president for a time, We tried to do everything to the best of our abilities but there was always dissension from somebody, no matter how fairly you tried to do things. It can really wear you down because it always went to the old adage,"You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time." Eventually I quit as I didn't like all the confrontations, hell I came here to retire.


So I ask, was the poll not enough, was trying the other way for awhile not enough, sometimes you just have to go with the members that cared enough to vote and let democracy be our guide. That's the way we do things where I was brought up.


I would also give Joe the respect to at least go back through all the years that the screenshot contest was in effect and see for yourself if they didn't make the right vote each month based on the theme. I'm not trying to kiss his ass here but I believe he just might have done enough already in this matter and that is above and beyond what someone that owns and maintains this place, a site we all enjoy, could have done.


There never is a right answer to most questions, you just go with seems right at the time. And we know what I would do if I was in charge... :(  


Just food for thought and my two cents(half a penny when judged against the US Dollar). :D Peace and love everybody. :)

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based on the new logic, we cast our votes; but Joe still has the final call on it!

so... does this mean this vote isn’t final either?  (yuppie :))


now.. if i only know which chocolate the Miss. likes; maybe we can change the vote on this one too!  :P 

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Too late Chris, I already sent her a lifetime monthly subscription from Godiva. :D


and one thing we have all learned about democracy is that it is ever changing but it still up to the Executive Branch. ;) 

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Pete: Wait a minute. Who elected you leader of this outfit?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well Pete, I figured it should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought. But if that ain't the consensus view, then hell, let's put it to a vote.

Pete: Suits me. I'm voting for yours truly.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well I'm voting for yours truly too.


[Everett and Pete look at Delmar for the deciding vote]




And yeah...I'm with you guys. The competition is fun regardless of who casts the final vote.


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20 votes cast: 

Judged by Viewers = 8

Admin = 12 


Thanks everyone for your feedback, I really appreciate it.
So by popular vote, from July 2015 onward we will revert back to straight forward Admin choice as it was originally. A complex admin/member system isn't really doable for me as I have many other month end forum tasks to do as well. 
I will remove the "Like" button. The "Like" button is a modification of the board's reputation system and shows everywhere in the forum, this will disable it and members will still be able to thank the thread creator.




based on the new logic, we cast our votes; but Joe still has the final call on it!

so... does this mean this vote isn’t final either?  (yuppie :))


now.. if i only know which chocolate the Miss. likes; maybe we can change the vote on this one too!  :P




No!  As Joe's post succinctly explains, it will now revert to the winner being selected by Forum administration.  Members now have no say in the voting.  It is what the majority of members wanted.


Here endeth the lesson, as they say in the classics.  :whis:




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I liked the old way. The suspense was great, sitting on tenterhooks, waiting to see who would win. I also think that system is a fair one: while one opinion does decide the vote, that opinion uses a set of guidelines that are applied equally to all entries. Voting might be more popular, but for me, the two systems are essentially the same: one provides you with the illusion of helping decide the vote, the other doesn't; either way somebody else decides. Personally, I'm more comfortable with one person or the admin staff judging rather than voting.


Yes, I understand that for new entrants loosing may be discouraging (it was for me), especially if you see the same people winning, but, improve your pics and eventually you might win. If you don't, you don't. That's what a competition is all about. If your shot is not good enough, it is not good enough. Even if the same person wins twelve times in a row, it is the other entrants who should feel ashamed, not the winner or the host of the competition. I don't think that anybody would accuse either Joe or the missus of being partisan, so I feel that allowing them and/or the admin staff to judge the competition is the most impartial option (though I do sympathize with the pressure they may be under). 


What could help, though, would be if Joe posted the guidelines (as he has done in the past). Granted, we won't all agree on the admin's interpretation of those guidelines, but then again, considering some of the strong personalities here, I doubt we would agree on any one of our interpretations!  :D

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