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Flightsimcon 2015 report from Froogle.

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A great show report from Pete.


John and I met Pete less than two weeks before this show, if only we had more notice we could have been there!




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I will need to tattoo, "Gear down, Gear down" on my hand. :D The Comanche looks like a winner and will jump to the head of my list. :yesa:


I wish I could have made the flight sim show, from what I have seen there were a lot of companies showing their wares and who doesn't like to browse through a toy store like that. That Cessna panel was pretty sharp looking but for seven grand the panel face was a bit boring being plain white with not even a glare shield. Then again you can always spruce it up. :cool:


Always entertaining seeing Froggle Pete, I have seen all his videos and his enthusiasm is catching. He has done much for the sim world. :hat:


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It's great to hear that this year's FlightSim Conference was a big success. It would be nice to see Froogle at Cosford ;)


Unfortunately that will never happen, I've heard it straight from the horses mouth. 

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Finally got round to using the AP. It's the same as on their 180 Piper, so pretty familiar with it. I'll not be trying any kind of ILS landing with it...it seems a bit sluggish, as does the 180's. But for a Nav/Hdg and Alt hold...it works Great!

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Definitely a 50's era AP but it does let you rest your hands a bit once trimmed and on course. No sleeping at waypoints either with the HSI. :D 


I actually enjoy it more as it forced me to be more flight aware. :thum:

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Looked like a great event. Nice to see faces.

Froogle's video above lead to browsing more Youtube. I found the following to be particularly interesting.


FlightSimCon 2015  Highlights reel 2 The future of FlightSim  (splonedog studios) (AirDailyx flight Simulation)


FlightSimCon 2015 PMDG (Steve McNitt)


FlightSimCon 2015 XPlane (Steve McNitt)


Interviews with Aerosoft and A2A among others (AirDaily Fight Simulation)





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