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Leg 29 YPDN Darwin International to YBSG Scherger. The Prequel

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Leg 29 YPDN Darwin International to YBSG Scherger. The Prequel!


They say ‘don’t look back’, this means what is done is done get on with your life.  Perhaps there should be another saying along the lines of ‘Don’t go back’ which would mean retrace your steps and you will be in a world of the brown stuff.


If you read leg 25, you will recall that I flew a PR9 from Manila to general Santos, and to get to Darwin for this leg I would have to catch a commercial flight back to Manila. I did this and upon arrival I inquired about a flight to Darwin.


I was told that there wouldn’t be a seat available for until tomorrow on any airline, so I booked into the Manila Hotel as I did before leg 25.  Do you remember it?





Now what did I say at the beginning of this PIREP? DON’T GO BACK! Just after booking in I saw a woman in the lobby that was I was strangely familiar with. I am sure she was in the papers at some time.  (Score a bonus point if you can name her)




I went up to my room and had an hours wash and brush up, ant then, as I had a couple of days to spare headed off to see some sights.  All afternoon I felt uneasy, something wasn’t quite right. I caught site of the woman a couple of times, but hey, I was on the tourist route and so was she I expect.


The following day I headed off to the airport, still with that strange uneasy feeling, but my flight to Darwin was smooth, but the uneasy feeling stayed with me.





On the aircraft, as I was walking down the aisle, I noticed the woman from the hotel in her large hat and, with her, the man with the red hair. The latter of these I knew from old, I think I might have just been pinged by Putinfeld’s goons.  I should never gone back to Manila, that mistake had allowed them to catch up with me.


The closer we got to Darwin the more anxious I became. By the time we touched down I was sweating more than Jimmy Saville in a playground. The two goons behind me seemed to be taking a closer interest in me now as we all stood up to leave.


As I shuffled up in the queue for passport control they were only a couple of people behind me. Soon it was my turn at the desk. The guy took my passport and started to go through the examination process. I hissed to the officer: “I am in danger call the British embassy!” “Pardon sir?” was the reply.  I repeated myself.  He retorted “Is this a joke sir?” I repeated myself again. “You do realise that you can get yourself into a great deal of trouble for wasting my time sir, I suggest you move on now and quickly.” he said.  I was getting nowhere. 


Desperate measures……


I punched him.





Safely behind bars I pondered my next move. On the one hand I was safe from the goons, on the other hand I was safe from picking up the Baton. I needed to make a call. Surprisingly |I was allowed to do so, I think it was so that could get a lawyer. I could do better than that, I phoned Jasmine Pond.


Three days and all would be sorted she said. But things got better sooner than that.  Within an hour I was moved to a bigger cell and had my own TV and loo, not a bucket but a real loo. Such is the awesome power of Jasmine Pond.


On day three I was told I had a visitor. I got up to go to the visiting area but was promptly told to sit down. My visitor was coming to my cell. It was Jasmine herself. She grinned at me and said “get your coat, your pulled”

We left the nick and went outside to a waiting RAAF Landrover, Jasmine jumped into the passenger seat and I went into the back. Once we were in, the uniformed drive pulled out into the traffic. I then noticed that all my entourage were armed. Including Jasmine. Were we expecting trouble?  We headed for the Airport.




Jasmine confirmed that Putinfeld was known to have many of his agents in the area and that they were looking for me, and had put a price on my head.  She didn’t tell me how much bur clearly she thought I was overpriced. The sooner I had the baton and was on my way the better.


Ten minutes into our drive Jasmine cursed and said we were being followed by a metallic blue Peugeot.  Stupidly I looked back at once and tried to spot them.  The must have seen this and worked out they were pinged. The car accelerated towards us and a man leaned out of the passenger window with a gun.


There was a flash followed by a pop and a clunk as a round was fired at us and hit the Landie. These vehicles are rugged and nothing vital (i.e. me) was hit. Jasmine returned fire whilst trying to stuff me into the foot well. I needed no encouragement and was flat on the floor in a second.  More pops, answered by the nearer and much louder bangs as jasmine returned fire.  All this time she had been gobbing off into a radio, all I heard was the words “road block” and “GO!GO!GO!”





By now the driver of our Landie was weaving all over the road, and as far as I could tell no other shots had hit us, although I had heard the angry zip of some close ones. Then over the din of the chase I could hear the sound of a very powerful engine, the screech of brakes, a large crunch and then the engine again but with the sound of crumpling metal and splintering glass.


The firing had stopped and I got back up from the floor just in time to see the receding tableaux of a tank with half a Peugeot under it.  The ultimate stinger I supposed, but intended only as a movable road block.




We arrived at the airport where we were met by a couple of armed Australian Military Police and an RAF Pilot. The five of us I went off went off in search of the Baton. We found Mat snoozing in the arrivals hall.  I gave him a nudge to wake him. He nearly leapt out of his skin as he awoke to see armed people (and little me) leaning over him.


Just then a rather well to do woman in a dark red dress tried to push past my entourage to get to Matt. “Oh there you are..” she started. She got no further.  One of the MPs, thrust a gun in her face whilst the other had her in handcuffs as soon as you could blink. She was led away by regular airport police, but she didn’t go quietly, shouting something about us not knowing who she was and that Matt should call someone call Pat.. Good luck with that after I have gone Matt I said, Don’t worry I will tell her husband Pat…. Eventually! He said with a crafty grin on his face


Baton safely retrieved, we got back to the Landi and drove onto the tarmac, heading for the far side of the airport. We stopped outside a small office attached to a large hanger dismounted and Jasmin and I went in leaving the MPs to stand guard.




The Inside of the office had been made very cosy.  There was a camping gas stove, camp bed with sleeping bag and the whole place was air conditioned.  There was even a box of supplies and a coffee maker. Someone was cosy in here.  Just then a door to the main hanger opened and an RAF fitter came in. He nodded to the assembled folk and drew the Pilot to one side and a muttered conversation ensued.


The pilot, or Jim as I was informed when I was introduced to him said; “Bad news I am afraid, we need to fly a part out for the port engine, It’s going to be at least the end of the week before we can go.”


“Ok” said Jasmine and turned to me, “make yourself comfortable, this is your new home”.  Isn’t it funny how cosy can turn to crap when you become involved? I had to stay in the room until it was time to fly again, I might as well have been in prison. Jasmine said that it would make it easier to babysit me until the operation against Putinfeld was concluded.  Whatever that meant.


I settled down for my wait, pausing in my slothfulness to pen this. I still didn’t know what I was to fly yet.  I knew it was next door in the hanger but the door was locked and my guards weren't saying a thing.. well I am off to my lumpy camp bed, Good night, I guess I will finish this after the flight.






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Splendid work John, I can only assume being behind bars isn't a big issue for you anymore...


But what the heck was that goon in the Peugeot aiming at? It must have been one big Landrover if he was going to hit you with that shot  ;) 

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Only from the mind of JG: "Safely in prison...".



It is true, they broke the mould when they made my mind.  


Trouble is the jury is still out on which was first.

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Only from the mind of JG: "Safely in prison...".



It is true, they broke the mould when they made my mind.  


Trouble is the jury is still out on which was first.



Do you mean, they might have broke the mold before taking your mind out of it? I rather think that could be likely :D:P

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I'm guessing there's an issue locating that malfunctioning part for the engine...

Although he did get out of jail, so I guess it's possible he's gone AWOL ;)

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The falt is yet to be fixed.  So I have had to wait for a replacement aircraft.


She has arrived now and so the PIREP will be filed soon.

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