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First flight around the Mach Loop

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Hi all. In preparation for my Tornado based attempt at flying the Mach Loop, and as I haven't flown it before, I thought I'd give it a go first in a smaller aircraft. I flew the route from RAF Valley in my only other military fast jet, the MiG 15 from Flight 1. 


Enjoy  :D
































...and safely landed back at Valley!




Thanks for viewing.


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Looks like fun! What you should do is record the flight with FS Recorder then play back and fly alongside in the Tornado!


That sounds like a good idea Joe, but I have no idea how to do that. I don't have FS recorder, any idea where I can get it?




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Looks like a great flight, Adrian, well done!

I'll bet there's a few notorious complainers about low flying scratching their heads and wondering where to get Putin's phone number. :P



a.k.a. brian747


I've no doubt they are. About time he got a good telling off!!  :D

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Quite honestly, and having spoken to a number of low flying complainers, I doubt very much whether they would notice (or be concerned by) the origin of the aircraft concerned.

We used to take turns at answering the calls in the Ops Room, and after one evening with a particularly tedious series of complaints my colleague finally lost it with one whinger at the other end of the phone. Leaping to his feet, he declaimed into the mouthpiece:

"Right, Madam, so which sort of noise would you prefer? THEIRS OR OURS?"

At which point he slammed down the phone and exited at high speed in the direction of a restorative G&T.



P.S. FSrecorder is a free download. Start at http://www.fs-recorder.net/

You'll find lots of videos on YouTube about how to make videos of yourself, flying in formation with, er, yourself. :P

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Does anyone have a basic flight plan of the loop they could share? 


Right turn at the leek field, left at the third sheep in the vallee, down to 300 ft over the male voice choir then turn 360 for the green green grass of home.


Good going Adrian. :thum:


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Sounds about right! :P


AFAIK, I don't think that the route is fixed (flight planning is an important part of any Navex), or has ever been officially released into the wild (for reasons not hard to guess). But who knows.... (Adrian - what route did you fly?).

You can find various comments doing the rounds such as: "The Mach Loop (also known as the Machynlleth Loop) refers to a series of valleys in west-central Wales, notable for their use as low-level training areas for fast jet aircraft. The system of valleys lies 8 miles east of Barmouth and is nestled between the towns of Dolgellau to the north and Machynlleth to the south, the latter of which it takes its name from. The training area is within the Low Flying Area (LFA) LFA7, which covers most of Wales".

(I particularly like the use of the word "nestled", in that context). ;)

But I'm out of my comfort zone with this one. JG??

Alternatively, you could always search the iPad (or Android) app store for "BAE Systems Typhoon Time". :whis:



a.k.a. brian747

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That looks very fun. Nice shots of the trip...and a great looking model.


Oh, and FSRecorder is a blast. I used it to make my last video...flew all 6 aircraft (+BOB) and was able to switch views between them to record the "incident" from a bunch of angles.


I have been practicing the bay bridge holes the last few night. It has 5 towers (with much smaller holes) on the SF span, and...I have made it through 4/5 so far. :D

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