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Leg 52 - Ponta Pelada (SBMN) to Porta de Moz (SBMZ)

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Whew!  Those caipirinhas really pack a wallop.  Who knew you could have a party in the middle of a jungle?  The mosquitoes around there must be constantly buzzed.  Anyway, Manaus is one rockin' town for the middle of nowhere.




I know we just had a leg with a Kodiak, but seeing as this was going to be a river run all the way, and I had quite a load of party cargo to drop off, the Kodiak made sense.  That and the G1000.  Need to get more practice with glass cockpits.




It's hard to see in this picture, but there's a buzzard at about 5 o'clock to the sun.  I think it's over where the party was the previous night...



I think I expected the water to be blacker.



The lovely little hamlet of Itacoatiara.  Say that three times fast.



And its airport. Not a lot of those around these parts.



There's a couple cases of cachaça back there.  Just for medicinal purposes.



The Kodiak is much more docile than it's namesake.  But just in case something goes wrong, there is plenty of runway.



How is it that every leg I fly seems to turn into a scud run at some point?  The weather report did not mention this.



Hopefully the clouds stay over there.



Just peachy.  At least if the ceiling drops to zero I can go fishing for a while.



Dodging some clouds.  Not a good place to have a problem.



I knew I should have brought that pilot's companion!  Next plane I buy must have a relief tube.  I made it 2/3 of the way there before having to stop.



That's Santarem.  About 170 more miles to Porto de Moz.



More scud.  If nothing else this thing can be a really expensive boat.



OK, it looks to like it's clearing up.  The rest of the trip should be nice.



Spoke too soon.  I think that's Prainha.  Hopefully not named loosely after the fish.  I should probably not land on the water near here.



There is a lot of nothing along the Amazon.  But of course there are more clouds.



Brown water.  Clouds.  Jungle.  Not a lot of variation in the scenery.  Good thing there's GPS to let me know where to look for the turn to Porto de Moz.



Why does the airport stick out into the water?  This could be interesting.



Time to set up for landing.  Gear up or down?



This is not a 172.  Should probably be a bit higher and farther out.  But definitely gear down.



Lined up on final.  There must have been a lot of rain here.



Not much around here.  Need to work on centering on short final.



Lots of rain for sure.  I think I'll go a little long.



Back on solid ground.  What's with all the buildings?



3.7 on the Hobbs.  Not even broken in yet.



Time to unload the "supplies".  Where did I put the baton again?



There are enough stores in there to keep boredom away for a bit and exploring the airport may turn up something interesting.  I think one of those shacks is a bar...




Addons used:

Lionheart Creations Quest Kodiak

Steve's DX10 Fixer

FreeMeshX South America

SceneryTech South America Landclass

GEX Asia and South America

REX 4 Texture Direct + Soft Clouds

REX Essential Plus Overdrive for WX engine


TrackIR 5

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Nice leg, although kind of a short leg there in the middle?...pee breaks indeed. <_<  Real Air Haulers haul a bottle...in part cuz you Definitely wouldn't stand on a float to wizz in piranha waters...god knows how high they could jump.


Good job dealing with tricky terrain... :whis: Darn climate change...

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Good job Pete, and a flight using the Kodiak can never be wrong!!


I might need to take a look at getting that South America Land class (I'm guessing it's gonna be a while until ORBX gets their Global Landclass for South America out to the market!!


Nice leg, although kind of a short leg there in the middle?...pee breaks indeed. <_<  Real Air Haulers haul a bottle...in part cuz you Definitely wouldn't stand on a float to wizz in piranha waters...god knows how high they could jump.


Why bother standing on the float.. all one needs to do in the Kodiak is open that Barn Door on the left side and remain inside the plane whilst attending to business  :whis:

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