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Hello all,


Once again I'll try to commit some time to the forum, without disappearing without notice.  Although this time I have a reasonable excuse called 'real life' getting in the way.


Anywho, now that 'real life' has allowed me some time in the form of days off, I thought I'd post a picture from my new 'office' view which was taken recently.  It won't win any awards as it was snapped quickly on my phone during the turn around (only the crew on the aircraft).  Bonus points awarded if you know where I took this... 




Full size

(Also preview post doesn't seem to be working? I just got a blank box)


Edited by The red barron
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UK yes, LTN no as there is nowhere near enough construction for a start! Sadly I couldn't get any pictures during the decent as the sky way bright red all the way down.  It had gotten much darker between us pulling on stand and getting the opportunity to take the picture.  Where it is pink above was bright red when we landed.


Yes Joe this is a new job, only been at it six weeks and absolutely love it.  Easily the best decision I made going into the industry, especially as crew as I get to see views like this daily and I work with an absolutely fantastic bunch of people.  I was lucky enough to be rostered one of the last Innsbruck flights of the winter season; the view on the approach is absolutely stunning, must go back at some point to have a really good look round.  


I used to hate getting up at anything before 6am, now I'll happily get up at 3am and head to 'work'.  For me this isn't a job it's a way of life; and I can honestly say that I haven't 'worked' since I got my wings at the start of February. 

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nice pic, great view to have.....it must be really nice to have a job in the field that you really enjoy.....people might say my perfect job would be in a coffee shop that sells cakes....

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Thanks for the comments guys. Now that the summer schedules have come/coming into force the times I start and finish are now really starting to vary.  If I get a chance to take anymore pictures like this I will.  


Oh and for those wondering, the airport this was taken at is Glasgow.

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