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Boeing 767 Pedestal Project

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It must have changed quite a bit since the last shots!

Yes it has! The Base Shell is almost fully completed, just one final remaining side to attatch. But I've also got the re-paint part of it as I applied some filler over the top of some paint, so unless I want a big white splodge over my Pedestal I better re-paint it!

I've uploaded the photos now, please excuse the fact that they're not properly cropped, but I don't know how to cut them out perfectly (is there a way in paint?).


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Monday 21st December 2009

The Base Shell has been completed! I still need to add a bit of paint, but the whole Shell has been done! Next job, after painting everything, is to add a little ledge all over the Pedestal inside (that's what most of those internal support bars are for), so that Modules (such as the CDU, Transponder etc) can be easily mounted onto the top of the Pedestal. I should finished paining the whole thing soon, then I'll start work on that ledge. Thanks very mcuh for all your support guys, and here is a whole load of pictures to feast your eyes on!









Thanks very much for viewing guys!

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Saturday 26th Decmber 2009

Construction has fully begun on the ledge which will house the Modules. And, four, yes four! Working Pedestal Modules are about to be ordered soon:

- 2 Saitek Pro Flight Radio Modules (For NAV/COM) - Ordered

- 1 Opencockpits 737 ATC Module (For Transpodner) - Not Yet Ordered

- Whilst not strictly for the Pedestal, I've ordered a Saitek Pro Flight Headset! - Ordered

Thanks lads, stay tuned for updates/photos and Module Information as always! :biggrin:

Hope y'all had a good Christmas!

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Sunday 27th December 2009

The Ledge on the Bottom Part of the Pedestal has been completed and painted. This is the area where things such as the XPNDR, NAV/COM Radios, Trim Panel etc will be mounted. Please see the pictures below for details. My Radio Panels, Headset and soon Transponder will soon be arriving. Thanks! (Hopefully the cropping is better this time Lads).



As always, the support on this forum is sceond to none, and I'd like to send out a special thank you to Joe Lawford, who made this whole Project Thread possible. Thumbs up Joe, and I hope everybody enjoys New Year!

Jack :faint:

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Friday 1st January 2010

The Pedestal Base Shell has been fully completed, along with the Ledge on which the Various Modules will be Mounted. It's all been re-painted, smoothed and checked so it's a pretty perfect finish if I do say so myself! However, the project is far from complete, as over the next few months I have the Modules to mount (Radios, Transponder etc). I may even experiment with different lgihting for inside the Pedestal, to give some of the Modules a backlit effect (not all of them as some are already pre-backlit).

Hopefully for definite this time, the Radios (and my Headset) will arrive tomorrow. They will be Mounted ASAP, so that's something to look forward too! These radios will give me complete COM1/COM2/NAV1/NAV2 functionality, whilst the Headset will eventually plug into the GoFlight Audio Panel (but for now my PC).

Enjoy the latest photos!





Thanks for your support everyone,

Jack :gaah:

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:gaah: WOW! where did that come from! hope that the radios ect arrive soon.

Have you put something on the top part to make sure that it will hold all of the equipment? where is the cat!

Thanks very much TRB! Unfortunately whilst my Pro Flight Headset did arrive today, the Radios didn't. They may still arrive, but I'm hopeful they'll definitely get here by Monday.

If you are referring by " Something on Top" to some sort of Ledge (to Mount the Modules onto), then look at the photos above and you'll see the White Ledge on top. This is a flat, wooden surface of which the Modules will be Mounted onto (you'll see when the first Modules arrive).

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