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Hello folks,

I've got a question about the Project Fokker planes. I used to fly them in the past with great passion, but back then, I almost exclusively used the 2D panels. Now that I'm on a multi-panel setup, I exclusively use VC, as it really does provide the most immersion for me into the environment.

My question is this: does the Project Fokker aircraft have usable VC's? If not, does anyone know of a freeware or payware panel for the Fokkers? (A moot point of the Project Fokker planes already have one).

Thanks in advance!

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Hi EJ I use the PF aircraft too and before I had to re-install all my software I'm sure I had a decent VC.

I will have a look around, Fred (Mulletman) normally knows the place places to find these things.


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Thanks, Mut. I've seen some screen caps of the Project Fokker aircraft, and there was one in particular that looked suspiciously like a VC. I'm hoping that it is usable, as flying 2D across multiple monitors isn't an option.

Thanks again!

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I dont think the Project Fokker aircraft have VCs yet. Are you thinking of this screenshot:


Yes, that's the one. That's not a VC?

Its just a 2D panel shot, showing the whole cockpit. As is the case with many great freeware aircraft, they haven't got the skills/time to master the virtual cockpit :dance:

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Oh well.

Does anyone know of a payware Fokker jet? I think a Fokker would be a great move up from the B1900C's when my airline in FSP is ready to take the step up. The ERJ-145's seem to be a bit too much right now for me to master. I feel like I'm going to have to go to ground school all over again just to learn how to get the thing taxiing without some alarm yelling at me!

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Does anyone know of a payware Fokker jet? I think a Fokker would be a great move up from the B1900C's when my airline in FSP is ready to take the step up. The ERJ-145's seem to be a bit too much right now for me to master. I feel like I'm going to have to go to ground school all over again just to learn how to get the thing taxiing without some alarm yelling at me!

I agree, its a shame there is no good Fokker with a VC, and im afraid to say there is no payware one. However, i can point you in the direction of a great alternative;



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CRJ-200, I assume? Does it have a usable VC?

Useable? I suppose so, but i dont think its clickable. I havent installed it for a long time sou cant say off the top of my head.

Very few freeware jets have useable VC's. yourbest bet would be to go with one of the payware ones - Feelthere ERJ etc. They take some time to master, but are worth it.

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Thanks, guys. I do have the Feelthere ERJ-145, but the learning curve on it is about the same as the PMDG 737 NG. I have about 3 hours in the real ERJ simulator in Houston, as a good friend is an instructor at Continental Express, but I can't remember everything he taught me... guess I'll be re-learning a lot and calling him often. A neighbor (one house away) flies the ERJ for Continental as well... guess I'll have to have him come over and help me out as well.

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