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surely a more advanced FS9/X user is much more likely to score points and win the months prize than a novice user with a much less powerful system, whether the shot they submit is deemed exceptional and a 'stiff contender to win' by other members or not.

Not really Simi, otherwise the likes of Soya or Rosario or Jankees would win every month, we only have one prize so it is a "topflight" competition, the talent spread will be wide but if we don't keep edging the bar up no-one would get any better.

To encourage beginners or owners of lower spec machines we judge purely on creativity and adherence to the subject. If you look back through the previous winners thread I hope you will see this, you will see jaggies and lower graphics quality in some of the shots .

The only thing I do judge against is over editing (See rules) or composite shots where images are "Photoshopped" in.

I don't usually look at the competition thread whilst it is running, the mods look after it. When it come to judging, I download all the images to my PC using the Firefox Save Images plugin so to make the picture as anonymous as possible and the winning shot is chosen off-line.

I cannot go prohibiting addon cameras and formation tools etc as it gets too restrictive and takes the fun out of the competition. Same goes for the competition subject, it can't be too specific otherwise it will restrict the number of entries and that is bad news for our sponsor.

Thanks everyone for your input, let's keep it simple :hat:


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I have to agree with mut there. Jankees won fair and square using tools that produced a great shot. I too only fly FS9 but have won twice so far. You cannot start major restrictions without stifling the creative work of the authors. I am a semi professional photographer as part of my work and the trick to a good Photo is in the composition. Its having an eye for the best possible result with the tools you have availiable. I enter a lot of competions for photography and have several trophys. However in recent years a fierce discussion has been raging over digital versus Film based work. I use both and can see the merits in both. the same can be said of screenshots. You Do NOT need tons of add ons to produce great shots. They can be produced just as well with default scenery etc if you know how to compose a picture. Its down to trial and error. Addons can enhance a picture and bring a touch more realism but a the end of the day its how the author percieves his/her work. I always ask myself a question when taking a photo. "could I live with this on my wall?" If the awnser is Yes, then i press the shutter down, If No then I recompose the picture. Its all to do with what looks right in your eyes. So in summary, Yes, let the addons continue. It just makes the challenge that more thought provoking !

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let's not get heated about this. Like i alluded to in my previous post, the rule need not be hard and fast, scenery, add-ons etc are what make the compoistion of an image great opposed to just 'good'.

my initial reservation was the use of things like the complex formation tools and FS Recorder. Yes they make the picture great, and i don't deny that JanKees should have won with his entry - i agree it is a great shot, and very much worthy of a win. My argument, however was that FS Recorder and Formation tools are complex and not easily mastered by most users to such great effect as produced by JanKees here. Levelling the playing field by saying such tools would give an unfair advantage was my only suggestion.

Let's leave this here however, as it appears that we have the rules set and the majority agree they are sufficient as they stand - i'll bow out now and go back to my hole.....

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Well done Jankees.

Whilst I can see where Simi is coming from, I think we should leave the competition as it is. I like seeing what each person's take on the topic is, and we always get lots of varied shots. By adding cans + cant's into the mix it would take the edge of things IMO

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Great shot, Jankees - not many internal models enable you to see the rear fuselage and tail plane from inside - a well made and presented screenshot. :hat:

As for Simi's remarks, which I, like Rob, have some sympathy for, how's about a competition topic that is from FS9/FSX with default 'everything' - i.e. no add-ons, scenery or aircraft? That should sort out the men from the boys...... :winka:

And, lastly, a big Thank You to Just Flight, for their continuing sponsorship. Without their support, our Forum's Contest would be just another comp...... :whis:

Cheers - Dai. :gtfl:

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Again, thank you guys!

As for Simi's remarks, which I, like Rob, have some sympathy for, how's about a competition topic that is from FS9/FSX with default 'everything' - i.e. no add-ons, scenery or aircraft? That should sort out the men from the boys......

default everything? but why?? I don't think I've used anything default for the last five years....

Again, my winning shot here was really simple. FS9, freeware recorder and two (payware, but very old) aircraft. You don't need much...

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