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Hey guys,

Sorry for the wait (Once again) i know your all pretty eager to get the EE on its way. Well, flight is done and i just need to sort the shots. Shall try get it done after work so maybe be on by tonight. Hang tight people! :welcomeani:


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More good news.

I would like to :toclue: AirsusLad to the challenge.

Josh will be flying legs 95 & 115.

So only 3 flights left so don't delay if you are thinking of bidding!


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Bad news...it is not going to be until next friday at the earliest that i will be able to fly 91.

But! Not to dispair, if you ask mutley nicely im sure he will fill the gap with a nice flight around LGAV whilst we wait... :mrhappy:

Will post the thread as soon as applicable, but the baton will have a bit of a wait. Sorry lads. :sadblinky:

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No worries Fred, thanks for letting us know, that gives us some time to plan our journeys and we will just have to fill the screenshots forum with some stunning screenshots :mrhappy:


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If anyone fancies posting some pictures in and around Athens or nearby Greece whilst we wait for Fred, be my guest, maybe a daytrip?

If so drop the atwc a mail for immediate clearance!


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If anyone fancies posting some pictures in and around Athens or nearby Greece whilst we wait for Fred, be my guest, maybe a daytrip?

If so drop the atwc a mail for immediate clearance!


ATWC staff - check your emails... and when you've done that look out for the screenies. Was a lovely flight if i may say so!

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I've decided to crack on whilst we wait for Fred, please can I point out the 96 hour (4 day) rule as that is in place to keep the challenge flowing. Don't forget you can always make your flight in advance ready to post when needed.



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  • 1 month later...


TapA321 has advised a flight delay for a few days so will post as soon as he can.

Simi, please can you stand down for a couple of days and make a post if George hasn't posted by Fri night.

Thanks all :yes:

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TapA321 has advised a flight delay for a few days so will post as soon as he can.

Simi, please can you stand down for a couple of days and make a post if George hasn't posted by Fri night.

Thanks all :yes:

sure can Mut, i was hoping for some sort of delay as i'd booked tickets for the Opera on Thursday night... i'm taking Sharon to see the 'Rigoletto'.... and then its the fifty-pence-per-pint pub crawl on Wenceslas Square!! Until then, I'll be trawling around the Jewish and Medieval quarters getting see a few of the sights, not forgetting 'Kurluv Most', and then maybe up to the castle and medieval Cathedral.... woohoo! (last time i actually went here was April 2005 with Uni, what a blast!... and the 10" of snow that arrived shortly after my flight in was great too)

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Thanks Simi,

Be careful out there! :wink:


thanks for your thoughts.... you really do need to watch Sharon when you treat her well, she became very...er, well *ehem*, we'll skip that bit :yikes:... and i'll just say that the opera was great, and i think sharon liked it too! :roll: she didn't stop talking about it all night :thumbup:, so much so that she was still talking about it a few hours (and many pints - ED!!) later when we'd managed to get her back to her room :blush ... and if that wasnt enough i think we may have upset the neigbouring hotel guests with all our giggles and many attempts to find the key - and indeed the key hole! - to her room... all in all a good night out, followed by a good night in ;-)

as for the post, i'm going to delay it until Monday so that there's a weekend to see if TAP321 gets his post up, if not it'll be posted soon as i'm home from work on Monday evening - hope this is ok.

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Hi Cyprus! Mutley's Round The World Challenge (MRTWC) has been going nearly 12 months now, and we're nearing completion - the European Expedition being the final phase. However, I'm pretty sure that Joe - our hangar superintendant - will have something equally exciting up his sleeve for us to take part in after the MRTWC finishes.

In the meantime, why not post some of your own flights - I'm sure you'll have some encouraging feedback - and you'd get to know some of your fellow Hangarians!

Oh yes, and welcome to the friendliest FSIM forum on the web - no kidding. :mrhappy:

Cheers - Dai. :wow:

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Hi Cyprus! Mutley's Round The World Challenge (MRTWC) has been going nearly 12 months now, and we're nearing completion - the European Expedition being the final phase. However, I'm pretty sure that Joe - our hangar superintendant - will have something equally exciting up his sleeve for us to take part in after the MRTWC finishes.

In the meantime, why not post some of your own flights - I'm sure you'll have some encouraging feedback - and you'd get to know some of your fellow Hangarians!

Oh yes, and welcome to the friendliest FSIM forum on the web - no kidding.

Cheers - Dai.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

I think I will just fly flights, and post screenies. How many legs are left until the end of the challenge?

I have been looking thorugh the posts, and the shots and story lines are extraordinary.

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Hi Cyprus - you're very welcome! The next flight in the MRWC is Leg 104 : Zurich (LSZH) to Prague (LKPR) by George (TapA321) - delayed, I think, because of external commitments by George, but to be posted this week, we hope. You can see the whole list here:


I guess Joe (Mutley) will be completing the final Leg 117, by the end of April - given that the intervening Legs go smoothly.

Thanks for the feedback....

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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  • 3 weeks later...

All my shots are now uploaded and ready for posting. I have emailed Joe, but does anybody here know the conditions the posting? Do I just post them inbatween a flight or do I get assigned a new slot or something?

Best Regards,

George : Tap

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Get them posted soon as i think TAP, that'd be best. Just make sure to label the flight with the standard:

"Leg No.: THIS AIRPORT (This Airports ICAO) -> THAT AIRPORT (That Airports ICAO)"

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