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Lufthansa Virtual Pilot

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:001_th_smiles48: My score for the 1st time is: 21586.

Nifty game, I failed at Porto and Helsinki...

You have an excuse, not living in Europe!

We think on most Americans not having a real clue of what exists outside your borders but you have proved me wrong, great score!!



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First try: 27626... I furthest from Izmir, Moscow and Naeples, but at least I had them in the correct country....

I've seen a few games like these around the net. Some across the whole globe, and some for just one continent. Most of the will have you pointing to specific cities, but some also include famous landmarks. I'll see if I can dig up some links...

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Scored 22, 500 or thereabouts.

Best was 8 miles out - Edinburgh, worst was somewhere I'd never heard of in Russia... 1000 miles out !

Defnitely gets harder by Round Three.

If it were the USA, I reckon I'd score aorund 500 !!!

Must admit, my geography is better now than it ever was before simming.

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