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Wing struts above the wing have to be big - they're in compression rather than tension and have to be beefy enough to not buckle. Wings struts below the wing are in tension and the load-bearing elemen

But can it lay an egg?   I've seen photos of that one before but don't know what it is or where it's based.  Such poor taste in flying objects is more commonly seen in the hot air balloon ge

What a cock up.

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We're starting to repeat ourselves. I recall posting a picture (possibly a year ago - in this thread) of one of the Airtruck wrecks with the registration blocked out. I went looking and couldn't find it. The pictures are victims of a mis-placed cleanup in SmugMug. This means they won't be available to the thread. I may still find them in a hard drive backup.


Edit: I believe Alan identified the a/c that time.




That you did.  However, Kieren's post was of a different aircraft.  Similar, but certainly not the same.  The one you posted was the later redesigned aircraft produced by a different company.




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I saw that pole there - wasn't sure what it was.  I concluded that maybe it was an ugly-stick, which obviously must have been used when designing and building that monstrosity.  


It is an innovative design aerodynamically, however, with three lifting surfaces, kind of like the Piaggio P180.  I guess the Italians did it with a little more style.  In most AC, the elevator produces a significant down-pressure.  In AC with three lifting surfaces, the elevator, wing and canard all produce positive lift in normal flight.



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Oh Alan, such a distinctive empennage, it's a visual assault, but it's a mystery. Looks like a double advance of IIIM, but in other circles, it's designator refers to Ivanhoe Mines.



I thought you'd get it Andrew, do you want to claim or let someone else find it?


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I know John A has guessed it based on my cryptic clues.  Leave it go for a while to give the others a chance and someone else can claim it if they wish.


I must say this one was very much unlike you, you normally don't make them that easy.




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Oh Alan, such a distinctive empennage, it's a visual assault, but it's a mystery. Looks like a double advance of IIIM, but in other circles, it's designator refers to Ivanhoe Mines.



I have met many a lady with a distinctive empennage, and some of them have been a visual assault. When I was young I sometimes had to double my advance and often as not I ended up in a hole.


As for the aircraft, I haven't a clue, even after your cryptic efforts.

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