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The life of a SAS 737-600

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Brett - it's quite possible that the camera height is effecting the PAPI's - or that the ILS is slightly out!

Great shots Stu - I'm afraid I can't recommend any freeware FSX scenery for you (I do my tube liner flying in FS9). There was a lovely scenery set for FS9 by IFSD (see here - http://www.pcpilotsireland.com/downloads/fs2004/scenery/index.htm) but that doesn't include T2 or Pier D (but SAS fly from T1, somewhere near Pier D). It does include a small section of Dublin City. Don't know whether FS9 scenery works in FSX - might be worth a try

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Thanks guys.

And I'm sorry to keep you waiting for the next leg. I've had a nice five day weekend(!), and the weather up here around Stockholm has been close to perfect. No clouds to be seen, only light winds and temperatures in the 20 celcius range in the shade.. so rather than sitting inside I've spent as much time as possible soaking in the warm weather ;)

Among other things I took my son and my camera up to Arlanda for some spotting yesterday. I actually think I managed to see the plane I used to set up the route for the review, but I need to crosscheck the tail numbers... will post a few photos later on tonight, even if it was a bit lacking in variation.. during about an hour we saw 6 planes, from two different carriers. Mostly Boeing 737-600 / -800, and a few Fokker F50.

@Kieran: I managed to find a couple of versions for EIDW on AVSIM. The most recent one was based on the layout as of 2010. I havn't had time to test them yet, but I hope they are a bit of an improvment over the default version.

@Brett: I did see that the PAPI lights indicated that I was a bit low too, but at least it wasn't four red lights ;)

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Well, I've made it to to the island of shamrocks and guiness pints ;)

(sorry Kieran, but you'll have to make do with default scenery for EIDW, couldn't find any freeware worth using).

Shots and commentary will be up during tomorrow hopefully.

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By 11:40 AM local I was cold and dark at the gate, and with 90 minutes to take off I've got time for lunch too...

My wife is currently occupying the computer with Photoshop and the shots on, so you'll have to wait a bit longer.

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So, time to head to Ireland.

After a quick deboarding, filing the tanks and re stock of food and drinks it's time to start boarding again


Not to much traffic at the international terminal today


Pushback curtesy of AES went smooth...


and we didn't hit anything


Active runway was 01L, so lets try to find our way there


Holding short, soon time to get going.


Climbing out following the ARS-SID. Should be pretty close to my home


Cruise for today was set at FL380, so we're almost at the TOC.


Keeping a western course over sweden..


and then norway came...


and went again i favour for the north sea


Just water for some time now


ohhh.. some clouds, havn't seen any of those for some time now..


Turning right to head towards the UK. About 370 nm and one hour to go...


The flight crew busy at work on the flight deck.


Landfall as we apporach the coast of the UK almost on the border between England and Scottland


Me and a whole bunch of other passed over here not to long ago. All of us actually landed at an airport located in this shot. Any guesses on where we are??


The weather in the UK looks just as good as it was back home in sweden


The UK and the Irish sea passed in no time and soon we had the Irish coast in view


Making a hard right to follow the STAR towards runway 10


Had to put on plenty of bank to make the turn


Following the approach down


On finals


Gear down, "no worries, mate" I tell my FO. Don't think he understood me though...


Something green is holding short while we head down to the runway..


Spoilers out, and we slowing down with plenty of room..


Parked at the terminal. For some reason I didn't get a shot of my own plane, but rather focused on the other traffic.. looks like our competitor Norwegian made it to Dublin before us...


Plenty of traffic around


That's it for the second leg. With about 90 minutes to go before we need to be in the air again I think it's about time our crew had a chance to grab some lunch

Thanks for viewing.


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Cheers Kieran.

Going by how Ryanair operates in sweden I actually didn't expect to find them at an airport so close to the actual destination ;)

To say that the airport they claim is in Stockholm here in sweden would be like saying that Kilkenny is located in Dublin...

But I guess I need to check up on Ultimate Traffic to see why they aren't there, because it generelly is very accurate. I actually had to hold on the way in to let the "real" SAS flight from ESSA to EIDW land ;). Could it be that they park at a location that aren't available in the default scenery?

And a nice shot of RRX. Looks like you can get pretty close to the apron at Dublin, or is it just a very good lens?

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  • 1 month later...

Leg three is finaly enroute to ESSA. I had planned to do post this flight as a video showing of what FS2Crew actually do for you in the Pre-flight phase up until Take-off, but for some strange reason FRAPS didn't start as i should..

Hopefully I can capture the approach part on video instead, I'll keep you posted...

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Hi Micke!

Excellent shots - you've given me an idea to increase time in the iFly 737, but I did notice one thing missing - where are the Ryanair's on the ground at Dublin?

And here's LN-RRX at Dublin, 12/7/09


Cor! nice one Kieran, thats the best shot of Aerosoft AES I've ever seen ;):D

BOT: Some really nice shots Micke, looking forward to the next instalment :thum:


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A video of the approach and landing (more like landings) are uploading to youtube right now... but my slow connection is stretched to the limit... says it's going to take another 2 hours to upload it!!!

Sadly FSrecorder didn't work as expected, so all I've got is the raw footage from the cockpit. No way to replay the flight for external shots :(

hmm.. a two hour wait.. I think it's about time for dinner, a beer, some crisps and a movie while it uploads.. ;)

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After a 2 hour upload Youtube tells me the file has been rejected because it was to long!

Copying it to a USB-memory and will try a new upload from work tomorrow, once I've managed to "Verify My Account" so I can upload longer clips... should be a bit quicker there too...

Now it's time for some sleep.

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Finally managed to get the clip uploaded to YouTube.

As I said before it's a raw capture of the events as they went down during the flight, I just cut out some bit's and pieces to shorten it down a bit, and for some strange reason about 5 minutes of the taxi to parking was lacking video capture...

Also, my video editing skills aren't really the best, turns out I had left a small clip at the end, with a long gap to the end of the previous clip, so when things go black and silent at about the 20 minute mark there's no need to look any further..

So, we join the flight as we pass over the ELTOK intersection, cleared to proceed along the ELTOK 5 P STAR on a full instrument approach for runway 19L.


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Thanks Jim, although I can't really be pleased with the landing.

I can only blame it on the wine I had with lunch. From now on I won't drink and fly :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So leg 4 is wrapped up and we are safe and sound in Düsseldorf for the time beeing.

For some reason we ended up at the domestic terminal upon our return from Dublin, must be a busy day over at the international terminal I guess..

So we find our self at gate 42 with a cold & Dark plane


Jetway attached, lets open up the doors and start boarding


Time to head out to the runway. 19R was the active today.


Not the longest taxi I've done, but plenty of turns to get around...


Still heading out, ground has just instructed us to monitor the tower...


And tower told us to position and hold long before we had reached the holding point.


The take-off was a bit rough (remember to add thrust on both engines before releasing the parking brake next time captain), but we got in to the air in one piece.

Here we are climbing out over the northern suburbs of Stockholm. I think what we see below the tail is a small town called Kungsängen where I did my nine months of military service (at least that's where my regiment is, most of my training was done elsewhere...)


And a bit of fast-forwarding later we have reached the coast of Germany, with Denmark visible behind us...


Passing over the Michaelsdorf VOR in northern Germany, still about 200 nm to go.


Time to start descending, and the sun joins me on a downward trajectory


A few scattered clouds, but the weather has been great throughout the flight.


Staying level at FL120 soon passing our last enroute waypoint ready to follow the STAR for a full ILS approach into runway 23L


Looks like we're on track, and with my last landing in mind the autopilot will take us all the way down today...


Landed with out drama this time. The only question is where there is an empty parking spot for us....


Looks like there's an empty one over there with the big boys...


Sun is really low, but now we have found our parking spot.


Here we are, let's just hope they find us out here in the Cargo section...


Doors are open, lets bring those stairs so we can get our passengers de-boarded....


and with that our flight to Düsseldorf has come to an end, but the return flight to Stockholm Arlanda will depart any day now ;)

Hope you liked the shots.

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