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The Jubilee celebrations presented an opportunity for a little flight from my home base EGNT Newcastle up the coast into Northumberland to Holy Island also known as Lindisfarne. It is a tidal island which is accessible at low tide by a causeway. The island has a rich history Northumberland's patron saint, Saint Cuthbert, was a monk and later Abbot of the monastery on the island, and his miracles and life are recorded by the Venerable Bede. Cuthbert later became Bishop of Lindisfarne

After parking up at Northumbria Flying School next to Newcastle College Aviation Centre it was a short but wet walk across the tarmac and into the little Jaguar liveried F33A Bonanza. All pre-flight checks made it was time to set off for the afternoon's journey.

Passing the College's hangar


Despite the rain it was a busy afternoon at EGNT so we waited patiently for clearance


Cleared for take-off and off we go


Heading east towards the coast


Turning north at Blyth to follow the coast


Well at least the rain has stopped and I've found the Northumberland sunshine


Passing Bamburgh Castle - not far now


On to Holy Island and the causeway is in view


Circling out to sea to fly over the island and continue the journey in a westerly direction


Over the Northumberland market town of Wooler and the turn for home


Poor visibility and the Newcastle Tower deny permission to land at present due to low cloud cover


A couple of circuits to the west sees the cloud ease and EGNT gives permission to land


Home at last although a little low for the lorry driver I suspect


Back at the flying school and time for a cup of tea.


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Great series of fanastic shots and the scenery, along with some nice looking POI's in the landscape, made for an enjoyable couch flight. :thum::thanks:

Always liked that Bonanza too, sweet paint job. :cool:

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Brilliant Graeme,

A fabulous set of shots, very interesting info along the way, great plane and scenery and some very colourful language from the lorry driver.

Loved it all.. :thum:

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Thanks to everyone for you comments.

Just nice to be up and flying again.

@Graham, yeah the first of many - I think this may have been my first payware aircraft in FSX

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Thanks to everyone for you comments.

Just nice to be up and flying again.

@Graham, yeah the first of many - I think this may have been my first payware aircraft in FSX

Think the Bonanza was my second payware plane, I got the Do27 first, and should have stuck with it TBO, its a real big step up from the default planes and puts most of my other payware aircraft to shame, apart from the A2A and Milviz stuff :) .

Hey maybe I should stop buying new stuff all the time, and do a world tour in the Dornier 27, :D (it could take several months of flying just to get our of Europe though ;) ).


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