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Everything posted by mutley

  1. An Australian travel writer touring Canada was checking out of a hotel and as he paid his bill asked the manager, "By the way, what's with the Indian chief sitting in the lobby? He's been there ever since I arrived." "Oh that's 'Big Chief Forget-me-not'," said the manager. "The hotel is built on an Indian reservation and part of the agreement is to allow the chief free use of the premises for the rest of his life. He is known as Big Chief Forget-me Not because of his phenomenal memory. He is 92 and can remember the slightest detail of his life." The travel writer took this in and as he was w
  2. The flight attendant sees a suspicious looking couple on board, so she reports it to the Captain immediately. “Sir, I think we have a case of human trafficking! There is a very pretty, hot and sexy, female passenger on-board, who looks quite frightened and the man she is with is a fat old slob who looks like a lecher, very sullen, mean and dangerous!” The captain responds, “Patricia, I’ve told you this before. This is Air Force One...”
  3. A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks for?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone who has ever been on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock move." "Oh", said the man. "Whose clock is that?" "That's Mother Teresa's", replied St. Peter. "The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie." "Incredible", said the man. "And whose clock is that one?" St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The han
  4. Roger the above, missed the stream Jim, and I love your shows!
  5. Just published is Andrew Goddens's review of Just Flight's C-46 Commando. Another product from the studios of Aeroplane Heaven, has their quality got any better? Read on...
  6. mutley


    +1 I'm a Milton Shupe fan too
  7. Well what can I say? Confused am I? I think that with over 9800 words you could have told the whole story of the challenge Coff! An epic account well done! Off to part b... Oh no. I've done that one!
  8. Ah yes! I remember that (now!) nice touch, I wonder whatever happened to Dree, still on the high seas?
  9. Pat Moran? Weren't you banned from our forums? I think we can make an exception here! It never fails to amaze me some of the shenanigans you guys get up to, superb PIREP Coff.
  10. Ah, my file on the host had the wrong IP, I thought I had that sorted, now working OK. Thx Tim
  11. Re point 3, by the looks of it P3Dv4 is still using the 32bit simconnect file v10.0.61242.0 so should work. Make sure your Plan-G is the latest version (presently v as it has a new P3D simconnect button that you should use, not the old FSX button. Also, on your client you should have a file called SimConnect.cfg in your C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files folder and the contents should read similar to this (the IP is my network IP for the host pc) [SimConnect] Protocol=IPv4 Address= Port=8002 MaxReceiveSize=4096 DisableNagle=0 Having sai
  12. JG - I'll try and may this brief: 1. You can use the same WideClient for P3D so no separate install required. 2. You're welcome 3. You are buggered then, as your client PC is only 32bit, stick with Wideclient. Joe
  13. @allardjd Dree's KOCF (SP1) works fine in P3D4v but you have to add it manually, I'll PM you later A few shots - Ah! the memories! The Carenado aircraft you can re-download and they will be up to date. The Herc, I don't think will work as Ros says The Default FSX stuff - ditch and make a wish list and give it to Pam! Joe
  14. Hi Wayne. So I have REX SF textures loaded and Active Sky weather engine and that is ok. However, in order to use the REX feature of syncing cloud models/structures during your flight you have to have REX FS running in the background with it's weather engine feature turned off. The trouble is after a short while a .NET runtime error happens and I am not sure that the clouds are syncing so until they fix that I don't have SF running in the background. So in conclusion, I am enjoying the new cloud textures from Sky Force but still running Active Sky to generate the real wor
  15. John, there is a copy of the latest ai ships in our staff reviewers Dropbox, I have merged V1 and V2 so it's now compatible with P3Dv4. The two files are also available from AVSHIT as seperate downloads for non-crew. After some sleep, I can probably help you with some of the others.
  16. Nice one Chris! We have another free host https://imgur.com/ it does harm to have many strings to our bow!
  17. Looks like this is similar to the Angle of Attack series by Chris Palmer.
  18. Thanks Mike, that might be interest to some of our readers. Joe
  19. I think she is planning to be at Cactus Jack's Trail Rides just the other side for I-75 that day!
  20. Oh yes, the strict rules take out any guesswork weather a weapon is loaded or not, it's very reassuring to see the gun on it's side with an empty chamber whilst you are checking your target. Looking forward to the next time John?
  21. Hi JG I run Plan-G on a network PC, I have had Simconnect working, but WideFS just works without faffing around. Have you got the P3Dv4 Simconnect version on your client too? Point 1 above - The best way to run Plan-G on two PC's is generate the database on your flightsim PC then just simply copy and paste your FS PC's Documents/Plan-G Files from the host to the client PC, that saves sharing drives and the problems that can create and trying to set a path to the scenery.cfg on your host. Point 2 - Using Simconnect to connect remotely requires you set the IP
  22. I dread to think what happened The livery looks great tho' !
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