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Everything posted by allardjd

  1. A man was looking for a place to sit in a crowded university library. He asked a girl: "Do you mind if I sit beside you?" The girl replied, in a loud voice. "NO, I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!" All the people in the library started staring at the man, who was deeply embarrassed and moved to another table. After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the man's table and said with a laugh: "I study psychology, and I know what a man is thinking; I bet you felt embarrassed, right?" The man responded in a loud voice: "$
  2. There are some economic reasons for retiring US military aircraft to Davis Monthan and it's the general way things are done. Most importantly, it's a source of parts to keep others going but also serves as a repository for aircraft that COULD be re-activated if needed in an emergency. The environmental issues associated with scrapping large, complex military aircraft (e.g fluids, asbestos, mercury, lead) make it a difficult thing to do responsibly at sites that are not set up to deal with those things. Can't disagree with the idea of flight crew only for a final flight - one susp
  3. One suspects technical issues, since it was a very old airframe, literally on its way to Davis-Monthan to be retired. RIP to the crew, peace to the families. It appears to be nearly miraculous no one on the ground was hurt or killed. John
  4. 5/2/18 Bundle Updates The monthly update of the Airport Diagram bundle files has been completed. The prior bundles updates were completed on 4/2/18. Bundle downloads are available here... http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php?/topic/23067-airport-diagram-download-center/ Algeria - 1 added DAAV Ferhat Abbas - Jijel, Algeria Argentina - 2 added SANT Benjamin Matienzo - Tucuman, Argentina SAVT Almirante Zar - Trelew, Argentina Australia - New South Wales - 1 updated YMAY Albury - Albury, New South Wales - Australia (updated)
  5. Plenty of that here. It must be Coff's fault. John
  6. Might not be a bad idea. I learned a long time ago that airshows are much more enjoyable when not being observed through a view-finder. Your idea may be along the same lines. John
  7. So the JF 152 is cheaper for a single platform and WAY cheaper if you need it for more than one. Got it! This bird might be attractive to the many, many real world pilots who learned to fly in one, including me. I have vivid memories of how much better it performed on my first solo, with that lard-arsed instructor standing out on the ramp trying not to look worried. Nice job on the review, Coff. Might be the first one here written on a boat. John
  8. I did what Coff did above, but used a simple plastic battery box (3 X AA) with an on-off switch instead, with the cut-off female end of a USB extension cable soldered to it. It works great. Though the TrackIR normally plugs into a USB port, it's not an intelligent device, i.e. it neither sends nor receives signals. It just needs about 5 volts DC for the three IR LEDs on the ends of the stalks. Since I already used a wireless headset it was a pain to again be tied to the computer with a wire. This solves the problem. I've said before and still maintain that the TrackIR is the s
  9. I miss this feature, which has gone kind of dormant. I promised Mutley when he was here I was going to kick this off again soon, so here goes! Guess the Airport Clues: You've never heard of it. It has a 3-character ICAO code. The images and data are from stock FSX-SE and are likely the same in FSX and P3D. Scenery complexity is set to Extremely Dense, so you're seeing everything that's there. The top-down image may have been rotated - OK, it has been. It's in the northern hemisphere. Magnetic variation is large. An airpo
  10. They'll probably be pushing FSX-SE and their train sim pretty hard. John
  11. I believe that DTG in this case, and MS before them with MS F-Light, was looking at Apple and their success with the Apple App-Store with relish. Apple has done very well with a closed shop and all "add-ons" having to come through them. It's not hard to imagine that DTG and MS saw that with a gleam in their eye and thought maybe they could do the same for flight sim related DLC. It didn't work out for them, mainly since flight simming and phone apps are not the same kind of market at all - Apples and oranges if you'll excuse the pun. Can you think how much extra revenue MS could
  12. Here's a link to their official announcement on Steam. https://steamcommunity.com/games/389280/announcements/detail/3400657079148405506 John
  13. The earlier failure was in a conical hub section, not a blade per se - they lost the whole LP compressor section, about five entire stages as I recall. UT of blades is barking up entirely the wrong tree with respect to that one, though I don't have any comparable info on this new one. I guess it's possible that losing one blade could cause a cascading failure but I don't think that's what happened in the first event - the airbus that landed in Canada (Gander, Newfoundland?) John
  14. That captain and her FO had the double whammy - a catastrophic, un-contained engine failure AND sudden decompression at altitude. Makes for a busy next half hour but it appears they performed admirably. They could do nothing about the catastrophe in the cabin other than get down to breathable air promptly, which they did. It also sounds as if the cabin crew and pax did all that could be done there too. What a shame for that pax and her family. John
  15. I think Jury is right. Anyway, great shot. John
  16. Been there (as most USN veterans have). Most of what we saw flying were F4s, A6s and S2s. Lots of them. I think maybe the red light in the background is a VASI for Oceana NAS. John
  17. Note: While the data in this thread is still valid, the entire thing has been superseded by the Mutley's Hangar Airport Diagram Download Center. Top level is here... http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php?/topic/23067-airport-diagram-download-center/ At this writing there are about 300 bundles available by country (by state/province in US, Canada, Australia) and something north of 7,400 airports diagrammed. Production continues and more airports are being added to the existing bundles every month.
  18. I think the varactor, which is the active protection component, is subject to aging and failure in normal use. John EDIT: My mistake, it's a varistor, not a varactor, which is an entirely different animal. From Wiki: "MOVs [metal oxide varistors] have finite life expectancy and "degrade" when exposed to a few large transients, or many small transients." John
  19. All true, Coff, and you do well to point it out. I have no disagreement with anything you said, though it bears mentioning that there is some reason to believe that Musk is well on the way to becoming DeLorean in his automotive venture. He's in serious trouble there. He may not be "Money Goal oriented" in that company, but he's not going to shake up the world if his company fails financially. He's got to stay in business to make much of an impact. SpaceX doesn't really have too much to do with the idea of electric powered aircraft (the thread topic) or automobiles - I just coul
  20. Florida is supposedly the thunderstorm capital of the world and we do get our share along with someone else's share too. Have never lost anything that I know of to surges (thunderstorms are not necessarily the only source), but at this house we had the option to have whole-house surge protection installed by the power company for a small fee per month. It's a ring they install behind the meter and the power to the whole house goes through it. We have local protectors on some of the other outlets too but don't feel too compelled to do that in every case. John
  21. No, wain, certainly not wrong. It's exactly correct. Other aircraft are sometimes pretty difficult to see when in flight (real or simulated). Seeing GA aircraft much beyond 1-1/2 - 2 miles is nearly impossible. You might manage better seeing larger AC at longer distances but it's still only a few miles unless at night and you're seeing lights instead of the actual AC. In the sim, the traffic labels option is a big help. Those become visible at 10 NM. In the real world, the worst case I can remember is seeing traffic lower than you against city lights. Even if you spot him,
  22. They don't talk much about the fact that somewhere, that electricity has to be generated, do they? This whole idea is crazy given technology levels today. Unless storage battery technology can make an order of magnitude leap (~10X) in energy stored vs. weight, electric powered commercial aviation is a pipe dream. As Brett notes, probably inevitably some day, but not soon, it will happen. I expect at some point, which I won't live long enough to see, we'll be on a fusion-nuclear basis with almost everything stationary being electric-powered and with transport fuel being mostly h
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